Friday 27 June 2014

Ramadan-Fast,Feast And Fit.Your Fitness Guide During The Holy Month

With Ramadan just around the corner, Muslim bodybuilders are scrambling to figure out how they will maintain their gains during the month.Abstaining from food and drink is what becomes a pain point for bodybuilders.Not only bodybuilders even people who want to stay fit end up losing their stamina and complain of weight gain after ramadan..These two are extreme problems for people who want to stay fit and bodybuilders who want to gain During this month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims fast and abstain from consuming any kind of food or water from dawn until sunset.By resisting the basic ingredients which sustain life, we remember and are thankful for the immense blessings that God Almighty has bestowed on us in our daily lives, something which we often take for granted.

In addition to the physiological benefits of giving rest to the digestive system, this month-long exercise strengthens self-control, patience, tolerance, determination, humility and unity, while allowing us to refocus on how God ordained us to live our lives.
When fasting in summer, the stresses on the body are more extreme. There is less time for eating, praying, and sleeping in the night hours, and completing required tasks during the day can be more difficult due to heat and extended hours without sustenance. Unfortunately, many Muslims in the month of Ramadan end up eating unhealthy foods or overeating and/or by abandoning all exercise due to fasting and time constraints. In addition to getting less sleep, this leads to weight gain, muscle loss, illness, and lack of energy. with careful planning, it is possible to start, maintain, or improve eating and workout habits during the month of Ramadan.Here are some tips that should help you get through the month with ease 

KEEP EXERCISING Don’t use Ramadan as an excuse to have an extraordinarily long break in your workouts. Try exercising either just after suhoor (your first meal) or just after you break your fast. In either scenario you will have relatively higher levels of hydration and energy levels .Don't exercise when you are fasting. One should exercise either before Sehri (meal before dawn) or after Iftaar (meal after sunset)

EAT WELL (WISELY) I know after hours of fasting these letters will actually be a blurr Who wants to hear something like this after 14-15 hours of fasting?..Depending on your household, Ramadan is usually accompanied by fried foods and sweets. To make matters worse, portions are unusually large. The key here is still portion control.Avoid big meals and eat slowly.Avoid deep fried food and red meat as it causes acidity and digestion problems.After breaking your fast try eating smaller meals after every 2 hours.This will not play havoc on your digestive system and eating every 2 hours will gradually provide nutrition to your body and keep your metabolic rate high.

WHEN YOU BREAK YOUR FAST-Though it's tempting to gorge on anything edible in sight once the sun sets, About the worst thing a faster can do is overdose on refined carbohydrates and refined sweets at nighttime.It takes about 20 minutes for a signal to go from your stomach or your G.I. tract to your brain to tell you you’re full,So if you eat very quickly, you’re much more likely to overdo it right when you break fast.The same goes for the pre-dawn meal by breaking  fast with dates and water, milk or watered down fruit juice, before moving on to a light starter such as a broth-based soup and crackers meal.Then, you can have a healthy and balanced meal including a protein, vegetable and ideally whole grain side,while continuing to re hydrate your body with water

DRINK WATER -LOTTT OF IT  Try fitting 4-5 cups when you have your early morning meal, and another 3-4 cups after you break your fast in the evening. This will help keep you properly hydrated.I cannot emphasize the importance of drinking water during ramzan. Water will help you flush your toxins and also 

BRIEF WORKOUTS Take a break from your longer workouts for the month. Keep your workouts brief, between 45 to 60 minutes. With your workouts now shortened, make every inch of movement matter.Cut cardio down to a minimum during Ramadan” and opt for resistance training instead, focusing on compact movements,if opting for cardio go for brisk walking or cross trainer.Timing matters too. “The best time to work out is at nighttime during Ramadan, or before the pre-dawn meal” when your body is well-hydrated

WATCH THE CALORIES This means keeping your caloric consumption the same as your regular consumption levels when it is not Ramadan. This means that if your consumption level was 2,500 calories per day prior to Ramadan, it should remain at 2,500 calories per day during Ramadan

TAKE A MULTIVITAMIN You might find yourself eating a smaller variety of foods. Take your multivitamin to prevent any deficiencies

GET ENOUGH SLEEP With Ramadan being in the Summer, the time between your early morning meal and your iftar (break-fast) may only be 7-8 hours. If you can’t take advantage of that full 7-8 hours between meals, think about taking a power nap during the day. Energy levels will be low due to a lack of food, so you’ll need to leverage the energy you can get from sleep. This can then help drive your workouts 
Happy fasting all my friends Stay blessed and fit always!! :)