Wednesday 25 June 2014

Muscle Soreness Post Workout Explained! The Science And How To Prevent

As a regular gym goer we all know that sore feeling we love and hate.Yes that sweet pain which is most evident when we have lifted a great deal on leg day or had a fabulous shoulder day.We as fitness fanatics love this sweet pain and are actually disturbed when one day we are not experiencing it.Sometimes this soreness can actually slow down our week ..So what is this soreness How is it caused and how can i prevent it?????Lactic acid is released into the muscles when they have used up their normal energy stores but still have intense energy needs for example Sprinting,Weightlifting and other anaerobic activity. Small amounts of lactic acid operate as a temporary energy source, thus helping you avoid fatigue during a workout. However, a build up of lactic acid during a workout can create burning sensations in the muscles that can slow down or halt your athletic activity. For this reason, it may be desirable to reduce lactic acid build up in the muscles. In this article i will show you how 
Understand that lactic acid does not cause muscle soreness after a workout.Lactic acid is often wrongly accused of being responsible for the post-workout muscle soreness experienced 1 to 3 days after a hard workout. However, new research shows that lactic acid (which operates as a temporary fuel source during intense physical activity) washes out of the system within an hour of the end of a workout, so it cannot be responsible for the pain felt days later.
  • The latest theory suggests that this muscle pain -- also known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS -- is the result of damage to the muscle cells during intense exercise. This causes inflammation, swelling and tenderness as the muscles repair themselves.
  • Understand that lactic acid causes the burning sensation during a workout.
  • On the other hand, built-up lactic acid is responsible for the burning sensation you experience while pushing yourself hard during a workout.
    • Usually, the body uses oxygen to produce energy in the body. However, when you push yourself hard during a workout, your body requires energy faster than your body can produce it using aerobic methods.
    • When this happens, your body uses anaerobic methods to produce energy, as it can do this much faster than with aerobic methods. Lactic acid - or lactate - is a byproduct of these anaerobic energy production methods.
    • Your body can continue to produce energy anaerobically for up to three minutes. During this time, levels of lactic acid in your muscles begin to increase rapidly, which leads to the burning sensation you associate with intense physical activity.
    • After 3 minutes, the lactic acid begins to slow down the muscles, warning your body that it is close to its physical limit. In this way it operates as a defense mechanism, protecting you from injury and fatigue.
    • Even though small quantities of lactic acid are necessary and even good for your body in certain circumstances, it is still necessary to prevent lactic acid levels from building up too quickly. If you don't, you will find it hard to work out comfortably or to the best of your ability.
    • Reducing lactic acid build up -- though it won't prevent DOMS - will help you to Stay hydrated. Lactic acid is water soluble, so the more hydrated you are, the less likely you are to feel a burn while you workout and cause lactic acid build up.
      • Drink plenty of fluids while you work out. By the time you notice you are thirsty during a workout, you may already be dehydrated.
      Breathe deeply. The cause of the burning sensation you feel in your muscles while exercising is twofold: it is partly due to the build up of lactic acid, but it is also due to a lack of oxygen.
      • You can ameliorate this by paying close attention to your breathing while you exercise. Be sure to breathe deeply in and out, at an even pace. Try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.
      • This will help to deliver oxygen to your muscles and stop the production of lactic acid
      • Work out frequently. The more physically fit you are, the less glucose your body will need to burn and there will be less acid build up.
        • You should try to work out several times a week, but make sure to take at least one or two rest days to allow your muscles to recover.
        • Increase the intensity of your workouts gradually. Develop a workout plan to add minutes or repetitions slowly to your routine - this will gradually raise the level at which your body starts to produce lactic acid.
        • Be cautious when lifting weights. Weight lifting is an activity that tends to promote lactic acid build up because it requires more oxygen than our bodies can deliver.
        • Although we have been told to "feel the burn," a build up of lactic acid may also lead to micro-tears that can cause trauma in the muscles and leave you sore for days.
          • Be sure to increase the weight and repetitions gradually to keep healthy levels of lactic acid in the body.
          • Sretch after your workout. Since lactic acid disperses 30 minutes to an hour after your workout, stretching helps to release lactic acid, alleviating any burning sensations or muscle cramps you might be experiencing.
          • Stretch your muscles lightly follow any intense exercise, and also use your fingertips to massage the area gently.This will also decrease any micro-trauma that may be responsible for soreness in the days following a workout.