- Carbohydrates, protein, fat, and alcohol have 4, 4, 9, and 7 calories per gram respectively.
- It takes about a 3500 calorie deficit to lose 1 pound.
- The average person can store 500 grams of glycogen.
- Muscle glycogen is about 3 parts water to 1 part glucose. This can add water weight at the beginning of a strength training program.
You burn more calories during the 23 hours you don’t exercise than the 1 hour you do. - You don’t need to do cardio to lose weight. You only need a calorie deficit. But that doesn’t mean isn’t a useful tool.
- The fat burning zone does not burn more total fat calories – only a higher percentage of calories from fat. Total calories burned is what matters.
- You’re never too old to do squats..Weight loss is not a physical challenge – it’s a mental one.
- The scale cannot measure your body fat. However, Body fat skin caliper can. Use it.
- Zero grams fat on a label doesn’t always mean there’s no fat in the food product. Always check the ingredients.
- Whole grain bread can be highly processed – pick one that uses only whole food ingredients.
- Eating healthy is not more expensive than a junk food diet, especially once you consider health care costs down the road.
- You can’t calculate body fat percentage from height and weight alone – you need to physically measure it
- Just because a box says “whole grain” on it, it doesn’t make it healthy.
- You should never attempt weight loss at the expense of your health.
- Trying to be perfect with your diet sets you up for failure. Strive to make progress by continually creating healthy eating habit
- Gym membership prices are usually negotiable. Don’t be afraid to ask.
- There’s a high correlation between the fitness level of the people close to you, and your own physical fitness.
- It’s harder to put on 10 pounds of muscle than it is to lose 10 pounds of fat.
- Once an adult, Fat cells can be created, but they cannot be lost – only shrunken. But that doesn’t mean they can’t shrink to close to nothing.
- Eating at night does not make you fat – overeating does.
- You don’t need to do curls to get good biceps. Heavy rowing movements are excellent arm builders.
- Being skinny does not automatically mean you have a low body fat. Body composition is what matters most.
- The perimeter of grocery store is where 90% of the healthy food is.
- If bad food is in the house, you’ll be more likely to eat it.
- Healthy levels of testosterone are good for both men and women.
- You don’t need a gym membership to strength train. Your body weight is all the resistance you need.
- Unless you weigh less than 120 pounds, it’s unlikely you need less than 1200 calories to lose weight
- Workout intensity is positively correlated with the degree of EPOC -afterburn effect. Boost your intensity if you want to burn more fat.
- There are 3 types of skeletal muscle fibers – type I, type II-A, and type II-B.
- 80% of people who begin an exercise program will quit. About the same goes for people starting a diet.
- The body has 3 energy systems – ATP-PC, anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic.
- Strength gains come from muscle hypertrophy and improved muscle fiber recruitment. Include a variety of rep ranges in your workouts.
- Dehydrating a muscle by 3% can cause a 10% loss of strength. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
- The thermic effect of food (TEF) is highest for protein. Up to 30% of its calories are used for digestion and assimilation.
- Lactic acid is not the cause of Delayed onset muscle soreness. Lactic acid returns to normal levels within 60 minutes of finishing exercise.
- The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest. Muscle tissue eats fat at all hours of the day.
- Direct abdominal exercises are not necessary to get good abs. Abs are used as stabilizers when you do squats, deadlifts, and many other exercises. Only a good diet will make them visible.
- You can lose weight and still gain muscle; likewise, you can also gain weight while still losing fat.
- Consistency and patience are key to long term successful weight loss.

Bollywood Actor-Film Aap Ki Khatir (guest appearance), Founder Of Bollywood Sundowner with Bhumicka Singh(Goa's Biggest DESI NIGHT At Cafe Mambo Goa) Model-Face Of Perfume Giovanni Bacci Paris International Celebrity Writer at FIRST FIT NEWSLETTER(UAEs No 1 Newsletter) Being Featured In Magazines In U.K and Uae Bookings In club or weddings - bhumicka.com@gmail.com
Monday, 20 April 2015
39 Facts That Will Change The Way You Look At Fitness
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