Thursday 17 July 2014

8 Fitness Habits That You Need to Start in Your 30s

In your 20s and 30s, your body is very different than it is in your 40s and 50s. In your younger years, it's easier to stay healthy, lose weight, maintain a good shape and pack on the muscles. As you age, it becomes a bit tougher.We take our bodies for granted,Eat wrong Drink Alcohol Skip Physical activity in short abuse our bodies to the fullest and its no wonder that that wrinkle on your cheek will come sooner than you expect,The dark circles,Dry skin and not to forget that denims you fit in will be discarded.Age is never an excuse so If you want to be healthy when you reach your 40s and 50s (and 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond), it's time to start forming a few fitness habits now while you're still young.
1. Drink More Water 

A lack of water leads to aging  retention, aging skin, a slow metabolism and many more problems. If you get in the habit of drinking water while you're still young, you can slow the effects of aging.Its a miracle what can be achieved just by drinking water

2. Regular Strength Training
As you age, you lose both muscle tone and strength. The less muscle you have, the fewer calories you burn every day. If you want to stay in shape, it's time to start regular strength training. Cut back on the cardio, and start hitting those weights or doing more body weight training.

3. Learn the Right Form 

Don't take your strength training for granted. While you don't need to worry too much about injuries while young, an older you is more likely to get hurt if you don't work out with the right form. Learn the proper form now.

4. Switch It Up 
If you're regularly changing up your workouts, you'll develop your body in a much more well-rounded way. Instead of sticking with the same cardio or strength training get used to changing your workouts on a monthly basis.

5. Replace Your running shoes Regularly 
You may be comfortable in that pair of trainers, but they wear out within six months of regular running. Build the habit of switching them up after six to eight months of use, and you'll avoid a lot of stress injuries that can be common among runners.

6. MAKE TIME-No excuses
If you have a time fitting in your workouts now, imagine how much harder it will be when you're older. Start making your workouts a part of your life, no matter how hard it is to find me your body will thank you for it!

7. Do Pilates or Yoga 

You can't just build muscle, you need to improve your balance, posture and flexibility as well. Either Pilates or yoga will be an excellent choice to help you stay fit in every area of your life, so add at least a day or two of these workouts to your weekly plan.

8. Enjoy It
If you can learn to enjoy your workout, it will be much easier to stick with it for years to come. Find ways to spice up the routine, such as listening to good music , doing exercise that you love

So until next time stay fit and keep reading