Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Know Your Happy Hour Calories-Alcohol and Munchies

Heading out for a drink?Or out partying..
Just how many calories are in that mojito and mozzarella stick? Check out the chart below before heading out for your Friday happy hour celebrations. Let's start with the drinks first and then move on to the food.


Apple Martini 2.5 ounces 160
Budweiser Beer 12 ounces 145
Bud Light 12 ounces 110
Chardonnay 5.1 ounces 120
Cosmo Six ounces 143
Dark and Stormy Seven ounces 162
Gin and Tonic Six ounces 143
Long Island Iced Tea Five ounces 292
Mai Tai Five ounces 260
Margarita (on the rocks with salt) 3.3 ounces 153
Merlot 5.1 ounces 119
Mojito Eight ounces 122 Zero Zero Seven
Mudslide Five ounces 350
Piña Colada 4.5 ounces 245
Rum and Coke 12 ounces 369
Sangria Eight ounces 155 Zero 26.5 21
Sea Breeze Five ounces 144
Sex on the Beach Six ounces 190
Strawberry Daiquiri 10 ounces 230
Cape Cod (vodka and cranberry) 5.5 ounces 117
Vodka Tonic 7.5 ounces 175
White Russian Six ounces 376

Here's the nutritional info for the munchies that go along with your beverage.


Bruschetta One-ounce slice 158
Fried Calamari One cup 300
Chicken Wings Three wings 477
Chicken Quesadilla 1/4 of a whole 535
Chips and Salsa 14 chips with three tablespoons salsa 97
Flatbread Pizza 1/4 of the pizza 150
Steak-Cut French Fries 10 fries 281
Hummus and Carrots Two tablespoons hummus and 10 baby carrots 105
Loaded Nachos Six to eight chips 569
Onion Rings Eight pieces 276
Peanuts One ounce 166
Potato Skins (with bacon and cheddar) Two pieces 150
Spinach and Artichoke Dip With Chips 1/4 order 310
Sweet Potato Fries Three ounces (about 15 fries) 120

Vegetables Under 100 calories

Veggies are always prized as "low-calorie," but do you ever wonder just how low? Check out the chart below to see what 100 calories of your favorite veggies looks like. Vegetables are ideal when you are trying to lose weight or just cleanse your system.High in fiber,antioxidants and vitamins Veggies are you go to Food.Here is a chart below of just how many calories they are made up of..Bon appetite 
Asparagus32 spears106
Avocado1/3 of the fruit106
Beet (sliced)1 1/2 cups94
Bell pepper (green)4 medium peppers95
Bell pepper (red)3 1/3 medium peppers103
Broccoli (raw)10 (5-inch-long spears)105
Brussels sprout14 heads106
Carrot (baby)2898
Cauliflower (raw)30 flowerets98
Celery18 (8-inch stalks)101
Corn (sweet white)Kernels from two ears118
Cucumber2 (8-1/4-inch cukes)90
Green bean (cooked)2 1/4 cups98
Kale (cooked)3 cups109
Lettuce (romaine)1 head106
Mushroom (raw)20 large101
Onion (raw)2 medium92
Pea (cooked)3/4 cup94
Potato (russet)3/4 small100
Potato (sweet)2 small108
Radish (raw)70 large101
Spinach (raw)45 leaves98
Summer squash (raw)3 medium94
Tomato (grape)48108
Tomato (roma)3 medium105
Zucchini3 medium94

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Want To Be Happy-Go Workout

Most of us are aware of what happens to the body when we exercise. We build more muscle or more stamina. We feel how daily activities like climbing stairs becomes easier if we exercise regularly.
Sure, you know exercise is good for you. It keeps your weight in check, makes you stronger, and keeps you feeling youthful and staying active into old age.
But did you know that exercise can also make you a happier person? It's true.
When you work out and stay active on a regular basis, it's not just a coincidence that you feel less stressed out, less anxious, and generally happier.
Here are 6 reasons why exercise makes you happy:

1. It releases happy chemicals into your brain.

Dopamine, a chemical that plays a role in happiness, is a neurotransmitter in the brain that’s necessary for feelings of pleasure and happiness.

Studies suggest that as we age, we’re constantly losing our stores of dopamine, which is why we need to constantly seek out experiences that release dopamine.

The best way to increase your brain’s dopamine production? Exercise. So run, lift, jump, play — and get happy.
Improved self esteem is key psychological benefit of regular workouts.When you workout your body release chemicals called endorphins.These endorphins interact with the receptors of your brain and reduce the perception of pain.Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body similar to that of morphine.For example the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as euphoric.Often reffered as the runners high 

2. It makes you less stressed out.
Not only will working out ease stress in the short term by helping you sweat out the day's worries, regular exercise will help you become less stressed out in the long term as well.

That’s because when you exercise, you’re actually subjecting yourself to a low-level form of stress by raising your heart rate and triggering a burst of hormonal changes. When you subject yourself to the stress of exercise enough, your body will eventually get better at handling the rest of life's stressors.
And less stress equals a happier, healthier life.

3. It energizes you.
You no doubt have days when you just feel too tired to exercise, when working out is the last thing in the world you want to do.
But no matter how exhausted you are from a long day at work, taking care of your family or recovering from a busy weekend, do your best to muster up all the willpower you have and still work out, because more likely than not, you'll feel more energized after your workout than you did before it.

So the next time you force yourself to get off the couch and get into workout mode, you’ll most likely feel more energized throughout the rest of the day. And more energy equals greater happiness.

4. It boosts your confidence.
When you don't feel good about your body or how you look, it's all too easy to have low self-esteem. And that can have a negative effect on all areas of your life including your relationships, your career, and your goals and aspirations.

But when you start to exercise and see your body transform, that can quickly change. Because exercise will not only make you like how you look, it will also make you feel stronger, more independent, and more confident. There's nothing like a boost in  confidence to increase overall happiness.

5. It eases anxiety.
If you suffer from anxiety, exercise may be a simple cure.
Because recent studies on the effects of exercise show that in people suffering from anxiety, the immediate mood boost from exercise is followed by longer-term relief, similar to that offered by meditation and talk therapy.
So next time you’re feeling anxious, try a hard workout — you’ll feel happier for days on end.

6. It fights insomnia.
Trouble sleeping? Skip the sleeping pill and try exercising instead.
Staying active and exercising on a regular basis has been shown to improve sleeping problems of insomniacs and people with sleeping disorders. And not only can regular exercise significantly improve your sleep quality, it can also give you that pep that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and do things.
And that equals greater happiness, every time.

Exercise, and be happy.
The next time you’re feeling down, stressed or anxious, get off the couch and get some exercise instead.
Because you'll not only feel more confident, energized, and calm — you’ll be a healthier and happier person for life.

Monday, 9 March 2015

First Fit Newsletter Publishes Article By International Celebrity Expert Bhumicka Singh In March Edition

Meanwhile on the Fitness Front My article just got published as a celebrity expert In First Fit Newsletter Dubai Uae International Health and Fitness.You can download the entire copy http://www.firstfitnewsletter.com/en/blog/edition/issue11/