Monday, 3 November 2014

Fitness Models How Can You Get Ripped For A Photo Shoot

Ripping is the stage that people, mainly body builders  go through in order to lose body fat to a very low percentage. The idea is that if ones body fat is low, then muscle will be more visible and therefore a better looking body will emerge.Ripping is now a more common phrase used by Fitness enthusiasts,Models,Sport Players as well 

Here's the methods I used to get ripped If you really want to try to get that little extra bit of definition, then these tips can help.
Two weeks from shoot:
¨ Discontinue use of any product that has unnecessary sugar, dairy, and white flour. This will prevent the usual bloating and "thick skin" look that accompanies the ingestion of these foods.

7 days from shoot:
¨ Have your last leg workout. For your legs to look ripped,you
must allow then to fully recuperate and heal. If they are swollen or sore
from working out,it wont help 
5 days from shoot:
¨ Reduce your carbohydrate intake to 50g or less for the next 3 days. Your goal is to deplete your muscles of glycogen. Once depleted, you will begin loading up on carbs for the last 2 day. This depletion and reloading will cause your muscles to overcompensate by taking more glucose into the muscles, making them look much larger, harder and more full!
Begin to lower your sodium intake. Excess sodium leads to water retention. Do not cut your sodium all at once, though. This will cause your body to compensate by retaining water. When you slowly reduce your sodium intake, your body continues to flush out excess sodium thinking
more is on the way.
¨ Start taking 1,000-2,000 mg of potassium each day. This will help to offset the effects of the sodium reduction by keeping your cells hydrated.
¨ Start reloading with plain creatine (no sugar). Load six times per day for the next 4 days. Reloading helps push more creatine into your muscles.
¨ Increase your cardio to five times this week

4 days before shoot:
Start drinking at least one gallon of distilled water each day. Distilled
water has no salt.

3 days from shoot:
¨ Start taking vitamin B6. It helps to reduce water retention beneath the skin.
¨ Stop tanning. Each time you tan, you skin becomes swollen and inflamed. This will give your skin time to heal.

2 days from shoot:
¨ Perform a very light workout.
¨ Cut out salt completely.
¨ After your cardio session, start loading carbs. Begin eating about 50g every three hours for the next 2 days. Be careful not to overdo it, otherwise you may look smooth.

1 days before shoot:
¨ Perform very light workout.
¨ This is the last day of cardio.
¨ Drink only 2/3 gallon of water today.
¨ Shave all hair from chest, back, arms and legs. If you have a lot of hair use
barber clippers first, then use a razor in the shower.

Morning of shoot: (assuming shoot is at noon)
¨ Only sip a small amount of water when thirsty.
¨ Eat a very small meal consisting of mostly complex carbs (brown rice, whole grains) at least 3 hours before your shoot. Along with that meal be sure to take 20g of vandyl sulfate and creatine.

20 minutes before photo shoot
¨ Pump up for shoot with high reps and very low weight. If you don't have weight equipment, just do a lot of push-ups, and pull-ups.