Ok so i have been requested/asked what exercises should be done for the most under trained body part yet the foundation of our bodies...LEGS!!! Yes the L DAY!!!Im not talking about body builders here who religiously spell LEG DAY AS Legendary and never skip working out this body part. This article is for those people who would like to improve their Legs composition Commonly requested as "I want to lose weight on my thighs" "My butt is too fat" "I have fat thighs"....Sounds familiar??? So this article is for all of you who want to put in the effort but don't know where to start and are definitely time crippled.You don't have to be a member of the gym to follow this routine.It could be done in the comfort of your home or in a park.Wear the right shoes and invest in 5-10 pounds weights or ankle weights and follow me as i guide you to this simple yet effective 20 min LEG Routine.May i add that there is nothing like SPOT REDUCTION.To lose weight only on just legs which we refer to as spot reduction is not possible but if you are following a healthy diet,doing a good cardio routine and trying to bring your body fat down then this routine will work wonders.Do not expect result if you are wolfing down hamburgers and are too lazy to move that butt off your ass.Follow this routine 5 times a week for a month and see tremendous change in your leg composition.
Picture Courtesy-POOJA S Photograhy |
The 24 min HICT-High Intensity Circuit Training Do not attempt if you have back,knee ankle problems.Ankle weights are best for this routine,you could also invest in a pair of dumbells 5-10 pounds
On the spot jogging for 2 mins.This will give you a great warm up and ignite all your LEG muscles.Tip 1 min go slow the next min go fast |
Sumo squat-1 min
This is a great workout for your inner thighs.You can do free weights or use a 1 litre bottle of water.
Training Tip-Keep your back straight and breath in and out
This will kickstart your heart rate with a band.a great move for anterior leg and calves
WALKING LUNGES-4 MINUTE You Could walk across the room holding a bottle of water in each hand or light dumbells
SQUATS 1 min-This is your toning move.Concentrate on your butt as you go down keeping your back straight.One of the most popular exercises everyone swears by.Go slow to feel the burn.Training tip-Keep back straight This exercise also trains big time on your core!!!! |
Kick each leg as high as you can alternating between the two legs..This will ensure your heart rate is still high and you are in the fat burning zone
JUMP SQUAT-1 MIN This is the advanced version of the regular squat.Here your starting position you jump and then squat 1 IN 1 SWIFT MOVEMENT.Training tip-dont go very deep on the squat aim higher on the jump
LYING SIDE LEG RAISES-1 MIN EACH LEG This is a wonderful move for getting those lean legs especially women who say they are broad from the butt.TRAINING TIP-You could lean up on the elbow too for a wider range of movement.Go slow and concentrate on the move
Apart from this keep a 4-5 day cardio routine which would include running or brisk walking
Eliminate all the whites from your diet or atleast keep it to 1 serving a day which includes White breads,Sugar,Whole milk,Butter Processed Foods etc
Drink loads of water and aim to keep your heart rate high with this workout routine
any other queries write me www.facebook.com/bhumickasinghh