1-Drink water constantly: You should match every sip of alcoholwith one of water. Water will help keep you from getting too drunk too fast and from feeling the effects the next day
2-Don't mix it up: Make it a beer night, or a wine night, or a vodka night, but don't make it an "anything goes" night
3-Choose the right type of alcohol: Some studies show that some drinks like whisky and wine are more likely to increase the chance of a hangover
1-Drink a sports drink: When you drink you lose electrolytes and become dehydrated, which adds to the headache the next morning. A sports drink at the end of the night can help you replenish what you've lost.
2-Eat: It doesn't have to be McDonald's, but just like eating before you go out, you're playing a volume game. And once again, fat is king. Some guys like a stack of pancakes at a diner, while others scarf down pizza. The common denominator is starchy, fatty and greasy.
3-Take multivitamins: You should take vitamins either way, but when you go out for that big night, it's even more important to make sure that you take your vitamins. Why? Drinking depletes the nutrients in your body; vitamins will help you minimize the loss
4-Give your body time to recover: Not only should you leave yourself a day to recover after a hard night, but you should be thinking about the time you'll need to recover even while you drinking
So have a good night peeps party hard and lay off that hangover