Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Celebrity Segment-Karan Bawa Ceo,Md Bawa Group Of Hotels Unveils His Fitness Secrets

OUR OFFICIAL SPONSOR Parul Khanna- Desert Planners-Your Pleasure Our Business
Desert Planners Tourism is an inbound solutions provider for United Arab Emirates which provides services like hotel accommodation, tours, excursions, airport transfers and events. HURRY WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY FOR EXCITING PACKAGES

A Graduate from RA Podar college as the Bachelor Of Commerce,gets into managing the daily affairs of HIS hotel business which included managing rooms division, restaurants, banquets and a discotheque.He continued learning hotel management and was soon upgraded as the CEO of the hotel business.In the year 2007 along with his younger brother he started a web-portal for hotel deals across the country and bagged their first franchise hotel in Calcutta. He took over the business in 2007 with a prestigious residential apartment project at posh locality of Juhu beach involved in number of projects related to Slum Rehabilitation, redevelopment of societies, colonies, etc in Mumbai,Panvel,Lonavala and Punjab. 
His company also forays into the health and fitness industry partnering with health and beauty diva, popular actress Shilpa shetty with a brand called Iosis. The company which is now established with 10 operating centers in the country and 10 more to open this year and He has recently been appointed as the vice chairman of G.N.Khalsa college

It is always a delight talking to him and this time he talks exclusively for my blog about his fitness regime(He is  Fitness Literate) style and what motivates him.Karan Bawa CEO of Bawa group of hotels Punjabi by nature,Lean and fit as a fiddle (inspite of surrounded by food all the time-and quiet a cook himself)well known for his hospitality and warm nature impeccable taste in food and dancing happens naturally to him.He is one of the most busy people yet most dedicated and fit people i have met.The man who is busy yet makes no excuses and makes time for his passion for fitness.This man never tires and inspires me to the core.Read on!

1-When did u start with fitness journey 
Can't remember but I guess it has been more than 10 yrs 

2.What is the secret to your amazing body..tell us a bit about your workout regime and Diet that u follow 
Well it's no secret it's plain and simple hard work and consistency. I am lucky that I have built tremendous control with respect to my eating habits. I have 6 meals segregated through out the day into a proper mix of high protein decent amount of carbs and fibre. I have been able to get excellent results only by aligning a proper diet. It's very important that we learn to respect our body and the only way to do that is by giving it food at the right intervals and proper rest. In urban life its difficult to maintain both but one has to find out a mid way that keeps a balance between your personal life and social life. I have always socialized  and binged as though there is no tomorrow but when I am home or at my work place, I don't indulge.  I stick to a fixed meal which is designed by a professional dietitian. Now a days there are some awesome low fat products available in the market that are a good replacement. Plus one always needs to keep one thing in mind that if it's TASTY then it's definitely NOT HEALTHY. So stop giving excuses and plan your meal cause when it concerns your life - don't forget even the CREATOR (God) has a plan. 

3.Tell us what you love eating - sweet sweets sweets !!! Lol we all love that don't we but I am a true punjabi so I obviously can't be away from the meat and the parathas. I indulge with pleasure but only when am on a vacation or on a Sunday. 

4-Which is your fav workout/exercise/activity -I have been mixing my activities with forms like yoga, strength, running, Swimming or functional training. I believe it's best to get into maximum variation. Cause just one activity can be boring plus you are hitting only a limited number of muscles. If we keep mixing our work out with good recreational activities like sports etc, then we target all the muscles of the body and keep the body agile. Moreover work out forms and techniques can also be based on your target. 

5-Tell us about your Style and clothes you sport while working out- I like wearing bright colours but clothes would normally mean something that is comfortable cause while working out its best that we keep it nice and easy. Branded companies like Nike, Adidas, reebok are providing some excellent sports wear that is sweat free and smart 

6-What motivates you?A healthy mind motivates me. Cause only a healthy mind will have a healthy body. So it's most important to learn the art of managing your stress. Take out time to laugh if you have forgotten how to do that, cause any kind of stress can lead to injury or muscle loss 

7.Who is your role model -Our role models keep changing with age. I think it's very important to have a target for everything that we do, but I also believe that we can't be aping an individual. So my way of role modelling is that I believe that it's best to target certain amount of lean body mass in your body, the fat percentage or the inches that your body measures. Thats what lets you know how good is your shape and how healthy you are from with in. More over its important that we also indulge in sporting activity of any kind or any sort of functional training to keep the muscles active and a check on our heart condition, cause some times our mind tends to get adapted to a certain set of work out so it's best to vary your work out, this technique will lead not only to a good body but also to over all conditioning of the muscle and the heart.

8-Tell us your fav dessert-hmmmm can't name one. But if I have to, top on the chart is JALEBEE

9-Tell us how you relax/unwind after a hectic day at work -The best is too sleep. Nothing unwinds better than sleep.

10-On a partying note give our readers tip or advice to help them be fit n healthy -Just keep yourself active guys and always keep a check on your binging cause that's what spoils us. Any kind of junk food is a absolute no no, if you want a healthy body Eat what's cooked at home. Make a chicken burger at home instead - the recipe is on google. Just be focused, consistent and patient and those 6 packs will show up for sure