Monday, 20 April 2015

39 Facts That Will Change The Way You Look At Fitness

  1. Carbohydrates, protein, fat, and alcohol have 4, 4, 9, and 7 calories per gram respectively.
  2. It takes about a 3500 calorie deficit to lose 1 pound.
  3. The average person can store 500 grams of glycogen.
  4. Muscle glycogen is about 3 parts water to 1 part glucose. This can add water weight at the beginning of a strength training program.
    You burn more calories during the 23 hours you don’t exercise than the 1 hour you do.
  5. You don’t need to do cardio to lose weight. You only need a calorie deficit. But that doesn’t mean isn’t a useful tool.
  6. The fat burning zone does not burn more total fat calories – only a higher percentage of calories from fat. Total calories burned is what matters.
  7. You’re never too old to do squats..Weight loss is not a physical challenge  – it’s a mental one.
  8. The scale cannot measure your body fat. However, Body fat skin caliper can. Use it.
  9. Zero grams fat  on a label doesn’t always mean there’s no fat in the food product. Always check the ingredients.
  10. Whole grain bread can be highly processed – pick one that uses only whole food ingredients.
  11. Eating healthy is not more expensive than a junk food diet, especially once you consider health care costs down the road.
  12. You can’t calculate body fat percentage from height and weight alone – you need to physically measure it
  13. Just because a box says “whole grain” on it, it doesn’t make it healthy.
  14. You should never attempt weight loss at the expense of your health.
  15. Trying to be perfect with your diet sets you up for failure. Strive to make progress by continually creating healthy eating habit
  16. Gym membership prices are usually negotiable. Don’t be afraid to ask.
  17. There’s a high correlation between the fitness level of the people close to you, and your own physical fitness.
  18. It’s harder to put on 10 pounds of muscle than it is to lose 10 pounds of fat.
  19. Once an adult, Fat cells can be created, but they cannot be lost – only shrunken. But that doesn’t mean they can’t shrink to close to nothing.
  20. Eating at night does not make you fat – overeating does.
  21. You don’t need to do curls to get good biceps. Heavy rowing movements are excellent arm builders.
  22. Being skinny does not automatically mean you have a low body fat. Body composition is what matters most.
  23. The perimeter of grocery store is where 90% of the healthy food is.
  24. If bad food is in the house, you’ll be more likely to eat it.
  25. Healthy levels of testosterone are good for both men and women.
  26. You don’t need a gym membership to strength train. Your body weight is all the resistance you need.
  27. Unless you weigh less than 120 pounds, it’s unlikely you need less than 1200 calories to lose weight
  28. Workout intensity is positively correlated with the degree of EPOC -afterburn effect. Boost your intensity if you want to burn more fat.
  29. There are 3 types of skeletal muscle fibers – type I, type II-A, and type II-B.
  30. 80% of people who begin an exercise program will quit. About the same goes for people starting a diet.
  31. The body has 3 energy systems – ATP-PC, anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic.
  32. Strength gains come from muscle hypertrophy and improved muscle fiber recruitment. Include a variety of rep ranges in your workouts.
  33. Dehydrating a muscle by 3% can cause a 10% loss of strength. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  34. The thermic effect of food (TEF) is highest for protein. Up to 30% of its calories are used for digestion and assimilation.
  35. Lactic acid is not the cause of Delayed onset muscle soreness. Lactic acid returns to normal levels within 60 minutes of finishing exercise.
  36. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest. Muscle tissue eats fat at all hours of the day.
  37. Direct abdominal exercises are not necessary to get good abs. Abs are used as stabilizers when you do squats, deadlifts, and many other exercises. Only a good diet will make them visible.
  38. You can lose weight and still gain muscle; likewise, you can also gain weight while still losing fat.
  39. Consistency and patience are key to long term successful weight loss.