Fitness Basics-RUNNING for your life!!!!
You don't have to be an athlete -- or even aspire to be one -- to start running.
just look at Jim Scott. In January 2003, a month after he turned 60, Scott began running. That November, he finished the New York City Marathon (it took him six hours).
Running's benefits include improved cardiovascular hearth, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, a revved-up metabolism.
Its an excellent fat burner and ofcourse the Runners high! that you experience
Runners high is a term given to the feeling of euphoria that is induced by distance running..You dont have to be a world class athelete to experience this elevated state of mind
Post 20 mins of running your body starts producing the feel good Endorphins
Before you take your first step, get yourself a good pair of running shoes."Generally speaking, running shoes have 500 miles of life"Even though they make look good, shock absorption diminishes after 500 miles.
Running is not the best exercise for everyone, So listen to your doctor and your body.The worst thing you can do is start running, get injured, then stop exercising altogether.Once you get a green flag from the doctor, don those new running shoes and start out with a combination of walking and jogging. For example, you might alternate walking for five minutes and jogging for two minutes.
Is it better to run on a treadmill or outside? You can get a great cardiovascular workout either way, and there are benefits to both
With a treadmill, you're never too far from home, says Isphording. It's a good choice if you're injured or rehabbing an injury -- or just feeling a little intimidated about running outdoors.
"There are no stoplights, no dogs, no cars, no pollution," And, of course, bad weather isn't an issue. Treadmill running can be lower-impact too, as well.But a treadmill doesn't quite simulate the outdoors.
"When you're outdoors, you're getting fresh air"Running during the sunlight you get vitamin D, which women really need to absorb calcium. You have the scenery -- you can discover parts of your city or town, or if you're traveling,
Running is not for everyone, say the experts. If you have an injury or disability, or if running is painful for you, try cycling, cross-country skiing, swimming. They all work.
Start out slow. It is very common for people to feel fatigue within the first minute of running. To make it over this initial hump or avoid it altogether you should set your initial pace extremely slow taking small steps.
Running, 5 mph (12 minute mile) 472
Running, 5.2 mph (11.5 minute mile)531
Running, 6 mph (10 min miles 590
Running, 7 mph (8.5 min mile)679
Running, 7.5mph (8 min mile)738
Running, 8 mph (7.5 min mile)797
Running, 9 mph (6.5 min mile)885
Running, 10 mph (6 min mile)944
just look at Jim Scott. In January 2003, a month after he turned 60, Scott began running. That November, he finished the New York City Marathon (it took him six hours).
Running's benefits include improved cardiovascular hearth, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, a revved-up metabolism.
Its an excellent fat burner and ofcourse the Runners high! that you experience
Runners high is a term given to the feeling of euphoria that is induced by distance running..You dont have to be a world class athelete to experience this elevated state of mind
Post 20 mins of running your body starts producing the feel good Endorphins
Before you take your first step, get yourself a good pair of running shoes."Generally speaking, running shoes have 500 miles of life"Even though they make look good, shock absorption diminishes after 500 miles.
Running is not the best exercise for everyone, So listen to your doctor and your body.The worst thing you can do is start running, get injured, then stop exercising altogether.Once you get a green flag from the doctor, don those new running shoes and start out with a combination of walking and jogging. For example, you might alternate walking for five minutes and jogging for two minutes.
Is it better to run on a treadmill or outside? You can get a great cardiovascular workout either way, and there are benefits to both
With a treadmill, you're never too far from home, says Isphording. It's a good choice if you're injured or rehabbing an injury -- or just feeling a little intimidated about running outdoors.
"There are no stoplights, no dogs, no cars, no pollution," And, of course, bad weather isn't an issue. Treadmill running can be lower-impact too, as well.But a treadmill doesn't quite simulate the outdoors.
"When you're outdoors, you're getting fresh air"Running during the sunlight you get vitamin D, which women really need to absorb calcium. You have the scenery -- you can discover parts of your city or town, or if you're traveling,
Running is not for everyone, say the experts. If you have an injury or disability, or if running is painful for you, try cycling, cross-country skiing, swimming. They all work.
Start out slow. It is very common for people to feel fatigue within the first minute of running. To make it over this initial hump or avoid it altogether you should set your initial pace extremely slow taking small steps.
Running, 5 mph (12 minute mile) 472
Running, 5.2 mph (11.5 minute mile)531
Running, 6 mph (10 min miles 590
Running, 7 mph (8.5 min mile)679
Running, 7.5mph (8 min mile)738
Running, 8 mph (7.5 min mile)797
Running, 9 mph (6.5 min mile)885
Running, 10 mph (6 min mile)944