Saturday, 15 February 2014

Look Younger Ladies-Avoid These Diet And Beauty Mistakes

We all know that Yoo yoo dieting  isn’t great for our bodies. But it turns out that rapidly and repeatedly losing and gaining weight actually makes us look older, tooyo-yo dieting alters the ligaments in the face that support the soft tissue, thereby changing the actual shape of the face. According to the article, changes in facial shape can make us look older. 
THE fix: Find your ideal weight and maintain a healthy diet and exercise plan to help you stay there.
2-Wrong lipstick shades can age you Another trick to looking younger is to steer clear of brown lipstick shades. Avoid matte lipstick as they tend to settle into your lip lines. Instead, try creamier lipsticks or glosses. (Glosses are especially youthful and make your lips appear bee-stung). 

3-Not Standing up straight. Think about all the sexy women you know. They stand up straight and confidently. Not only will this make you look ten pounds thinner in seconds, it will make you look five years younger as well. 

4-SMOKING--The moment you take a drag on a cigarette you are beginning to shave years off your life. The longer you smoke, the more severely cigarettes age you. When you smoke, you increase your risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, lung disease, eye disease, bone disease and cancer of almost every organ. And you probably also look older too. 

Smoking causes prominent crow's feet, deep creases, and smoker's lines around the mouth. Tobacco smoke compromises the production of collagen, elastin and skin proteins that make skin strong and elastic. Without the support of these skin components, the skin degrades faster and more severely. Tobacco smoke also produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) that accelerates skin aging. Nicotine may also be involved in premature smoking-related aging because it constricts blood vessels, blocking nutrients from reaching skin cells, which in turn wither and die. And speaking of dying? Smokers die on average 10 to 14 years before nonsmokers. And death is pretty much the most extreme form of premature aging there is. 


When you use sunscreen , you're not just helping to protect yourself from diseases like skin cancer ; you're also helping to prevent the signs of skin aging that come from sun exposure. Skin that's left naked in the sun ends up more discolored and wrinkled and less elastic than skin that has been steadily shielded from UV radiation.
In fact, what most of us think of as "aged skin" is, more specifically, sun-damaged skin 

Situations that cause prolonged angst can also affect facial appearance. And it’s not just a question of dark circles or wrinkles—stress can lead to acne, brittle nails, hives and even hair loss. Plus, those under a lot of stress tend to neglect their skin, which can compound the situation. Worse still, chronic extreme stress doesn't just have the power to make you appear older, it can actually cause you to become physically older.

The fix: While you can't necessarily avoid a divorce or quit your job, you can seek out ways to help deal with that stress.  So whether it’s yoga, kick-boxing or meditating, find something that helps you DE-stress and unwind.

When you consume sugars, they are converted to glucose in your body and enter the bloodstream, where they then search out and attach to skin proteins. Once attached, they form new molecules called advanced-glaciation end products, or AGEs. What does that have to do with your face? The more sugar consumed, the more AGE s you create, and these AGEs mess with your body’s collagen and elastin, which help maintain your skin’s firmness and elasticity. In short: too much sugar leads to sagging, wrinkled skin.

The fix: Reduce the amount of AGEs your body produces by avoiding sugary products, especially the processed foods they tend to hide in. Know sugar by its many names: corn syrup (especially bad is high-fructose corn syrup), glucose, fructose, dextrose and sucrose are among the more common ingredients, while saccharose, treacle, xylose, dextrin and maltodextrin are some of its trickier disguises.


ANTI OXIDANTS are widely believed to be beneficial for both cardiovascular health and cancer prevention. They're found in all sorts of foods, including fruits, vegetables, seafood and oils. Antioxidants' free-radical-fighting activities destroy molecules that can damage healthy cells, and as it turns out, they're as great for skin cells as they are for every other cell in the body.
While many different antioxidants can be beneficial to the skin, two in particular get lots of attention:
  • Vitamin c -- Builds Collagen for plump, tight skin. Find it in whole grains, apples and citrus fruits
  • Vitamin e -- Protects cell membranes and "boosts" skin-based nutrients that fight off UV damage. Find it in wheat germ oil, almonds, and peanut butter.