Wednesday, 15 July 2015

#AskTheTrainer 5 Hot Moves For Sexy Abs

Pretty much every person wants tight, toned abs.But what most people don't know is that they already have them! They're just hidden under a thin layer of fat. To reveal your defined midsection, you may need to change your definition of an "abs workout." I apply the HIIT High Intensity Interval Training 

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One of my go-to abs workouts combines intervals of jumping rope with six core-sculpting moves. This 10-minute workout is an efficient and effective way to melt belly fat, improve core strength, and uncover your carved stomach. For best results, tack these moves onto the end of your regular routine or do them as a separate workout three to five days per week.

Workout details: Do 1 set of the prescribed number of reps for each exercise, jumping rope for 30 seconds at the beginning and between each move. Repeat the entire circuit 2 times.