Thursday, 29 May 2014

Tricks To Drop That Weight...Every Fitness Freak Follows And VOUCHES..

Bhumicka Singh International Celebrity Fitness Expert At First Fit Newsletter UAE Launched In Dubai
So people ask all the time what is the secret to a lean body,what can i do to stay slim,I get tired after work how can i get moving.The questions differ but the answer is the same.Here ive summed a few universal tips which every fit person follow and they vouch by....
1. Exercise even if you only have 15 minutes to do it. A short gym routine is better than nothing if you're really strapped for time or just plain exhausted. If you don't have time to get to your gym but have 15 minutes before you have to shower to go meet your friends for dinner, do jumping jacks to The world is mine or something. You'll feel better, especially if you spent your day sitting at a computer listening to Taylor Swift and thinking about how you should really leave work in time to get to the gym. (But then, well, didn’t.)
2. Speaking of, you know that feeling of planning to work out and then NOT working out? The WORST. Usually, working out just to avoid the feeling of sitting around in gym clothes watching Bravo and eating snacks and never actually going for your run is worth it.
3. Mix up your routine. Do yoga one day, interval training the next, and a light jog the following day. If your fitness routine doesn't bore you, you're more likely to stick to it. 
4. Instead of skipping a workout, focus on how great you'll feel after. Working out isn't always fun while you're doing it, but the endorphin high you get after — or the myriad other benefits
5. Don't wait for an occasion to get in shape. If you only rush to the gym six weeks before you have a tight dress to wear to a party (or your wedding or somebody else's wedding) you'll kill yourself trying to meet unrealistic goals and feel miserable and down on yourself and be no fun at all. Then when it's all over, of course you won't want to go back to working out! Fitness is a lifestyle, not an exercise in vanity.
6.Eat. REAL FOOD. Don’t swear off alcohol or sweets or bread. (Especially don't swear off chocolate — that's too cruel.) You'll be miserable and binge and feel bad, and then swear off all that food AGAIN and the cycle will repeat and you'll feel worse every time! Don't do it. Everything in moderation!

7.Keep weeknight drinking to a minimum. Weekdays are exhausting enough without alcohol drinking on a weeknight can really sap your energy level for the rest of the week, especially if you don't have time to make up for lost sleep
 8.Work out at home if you can't get to a gym. If you have cable, it probably comes with a whole slew of secret workout classes you can do on-demand. This is a great option for when you want to be active but don't want to leave your house. Get a bright pink workout mat and have fun.
9.Exercise when you're sore. Don't do intense weightlifting by any means, but a light jog or brisk walk as part of an "active recovery" can help alleviate sore muscles more quickly than sitting on your duff doing nothing
10.Remember that the main goal isn't to run 10 miles a day, it's just to do something physical. If you feel like you just can't bear to go to the gym, just plan to do five minutes of exercise once you get there. Chances are once you start, you'll go for longer. 
11.Get sleep. The more you work out, the more you'll want to get a good night's sleep, so it's a self-perpetuating cycle. But if you're crashing at midnight and trying to get to a 7 a.m. yoga class, you're not exactly setting yourself up for making it there.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


ASK THE EXPERT-Bhumicka Singh.If You Have A Fitness/Lifestyle/Beauty Related Qs Email Us at
The question: To LOSE WEIGHT does it matter when I eat? Or just what I eat?
The answer: Just like romance and shopping, healthy eating is all about having the right timing and ofcourse what you eat too!!!
Sure, a calorie is still a calorie, but how you time those calories can influence your metabolism and satiety levels, potentially making the difference Whether you gain weight or lose weight “Body weight control is a complex dance between the drivers of metabolism: the brain, hormones and neurotransmitters, and your metabolic processes," And if any of those factors perceives that you're low on calories throughout the day, it'll slow metabolism, increase appetite, and stall your weight loss efforts.
So first thing's first: Eat breakfast! And not once you get to work—we're talking first thing in the morning within an hour of waking up, and if you can get in some water then, all the better. Both ramp up your metabolism by telling your body it doesn't need to conserve energy (aka calories). If your stomach is uneasy in the morning, at least drink some water. Just remember that the longer you wait to eat breakfast, the longer you wait to burn calories.
Next, don't go more than three hours between meals and (protein-packed!) snacks. "This will help to keep your blood sugar balanced throughout the day, your metabolism revved, and your energy up," 
And as the sun sets, so should your eating for the day. Your metabolism starts to slow down around At night. and hits its lowest point when you're sleeping. Im not saying starve at nights but your meal should be 2 and half hours before sleeping and please no midnight snacking and Junk food After all, your body doesn't have to burn through as many calories when you're zonked out.
Of course, there's no strict mealtime schedule that will guarantee weight loss, but if you're looking to slim down, Eating your bigger meals earlier in the day and lighter meals in the evening. Luckily, if you load up on a healthy and satisfying breakfast, the rest of your day—and weight loss—should fall into place more easily.But yet again if you are eating junk food throughout the day and try to balance it out with not eating at nights well that wont work either.If your entire caloric intake exceeds just in lunch you will put on weight no matter what time of the day you eat 

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Fittie Of The Month-Know the Secrets Of Dance Trainer Karan Singh

Picture Courtesy-Pooja S Photography
This month's FITTIE OF THE MONTH I bring to you a Dance trainer with 7 years of dancing experience.Hes from nasik and runs a dance institute which specializes in western dance styles..He makes people dance from a 10 year old to a 60 year old His institute has an official tie up with TALWALKARS Gym which holds more than 300 branches all over india.Extremely happy to be featuring him on this segment.A Well defined lean body which undoubtedly comes from a lot of dancing and hard work he's inspiring a lot of people towards great health and he sure is the Hottest choreographer in town.Here in conversation with Karan Singh for
I am very particular about my workout as well as my eating habits  I do workout 1 hour a day in the gym and apart from that follow my 30 min of aerobics and zumba fitness which helps me to cut down  fat percentage .
Tips from the trainer himself 

Have more of Fresh juices,Fibrous fruits,Proteins They are essential For your body and skin Stay fit stay healthy 

You can be a fittie of the month too if you are fit and dedicated and follow a workout routine religiously contact me at

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Ask The Expert-7 Abs Training Mistakes And You Will Never Have Great Abs

The quest for the elusive six-pack often leaves guys hitting their midsection hard after every workout thinking more will inevitably be better. The truth is that your abdominal are just like any other muscle in your body. They need some rest in between exercise bouts as well. Doing some crunches or planks at the end of every workout leaves your midsection in a constantly overworked state preventing any results you’d like to see.Now if you are working out on your abs 3-4 times a week does that make sense ??? NO DO YOU WORKOUT ON YOUR BICEP OR TRICEPS OR LEGS 3-4 times a week NO we dont do that. That is over training.Any muscle of your body depending on your goals should not be worked out more than 2 times a week and abs are no different.Did you know that you workout on your core even when doing legs,back and practically and pull push movement.So 5 times a week crunches will not help you my dear friend.Below i discuss the top mistakes you are making for your abs

Frequently I get asked the question "How can I get a nice set of abs?" I also get "I do a thousand sit-ups a day but I still cannot see my abs. What's wrong with me?"
Before I answer the two questions above, lets examine the conditions that enable us to see our abdominal muscles.
  1. In girls a percentage of body fat of 12-13% and in guys a percentage in the 6-8% range enables the visibility of such muscles. Therefore, visible abdominal muscles come as a result of low body fat levels.
1: Over-Crunching
If you think of crunches when you think of working your abs, you're not alone. Crunches are a great way to target the abs, but there are more way to workout. For one, crunches mainly work just one of the muscle groups in your core: the rectus abdominis. And they only work it from one angle. You can train your abs without every doing a single crunch, and if crunches are your go-to abs exercise, it's probably time that you do! Need some crunch-free workout ideas? 

2: Doing Too Many Reps
There is no need to do 50, 100 or thousands of crunches each day. Many people do more, thinking it will help them spot-reduce (lose fat) from the belly, but that is a myth. In fact, if you are doing your exercises correctly, 8-15 repetitions are all that you need to target those muscles and get results. Here's an easy rule: Train the abs like you would any other muscle, which typically involves 1-3 sets of 8-20 repetitions per exercise

3 Not Focusing on Form
If you're doing an abdominal exercise and you're not really feeling it, I'm going to tell you a cold, hard truth: It's probably not because you're super strong and fit. More likely, you're not doing it properly. The key to really working your abs is to focus on your form, by deeply engaging your abs throughout each movement. This is commonly described as "pulling your navel towards your spine," or "scooping" the abs inward and it will help you engage more muscle fibers (especially the transverse abs), making each repetition more effective. And did you know: Mentally focusing on the muscles you're trying to engage during any exercise (abs or otherwise) actually does make a difference in how well you execute the move? Try it next time and you'll notice a difference!

4- Believing in Belly Fat Burners
Can specific foods, nutrients, diet pills or supplements really target belly fat and help you melt it away? Probably not. There is some research to show that certain nutrients may help people lose more belly fat, but most of this "research" is sketchy at best—poorly controlled, poorly designed, and not well replicated. It'd be nice to think that you could just eat an exotic berry or pepper—or pop a pill that contains them—and melt away the inches from your waist, but don't fall for this hype. The person telling you that any food or product can burn fat from your belly has one goal in mind: selling you something. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

5-Neglecting the Rest of Your Core 
The rectus abdominis (or abs, for short) run down the front of the torso, from the center of the ribcage to the pubic bone. These are the main muscles that work when you do any sort of "crunching" motion (spinal flexion). But your torso also extends, bends and rotates—and all of those motions should be part of your abs training repertoire. A good rule of thumb is that every time you train your abs, you should also target the obliques and lower back as well.Most people i know DONT PLANK!!! Planking is the best workout to activate all your core muscles

6 There is no thing as Spot Training
You may be surprised to know that most people actually DO have strong, defined abs…they just happen to be covered by a layer of fat. So how do you get rid of that layer of fat? More crunches, right? Wrong. More of the exercises listed above? Also wrong. All the abs-toning exercises in the world won't burn the fat on top of the muscle. To accomplish this, you need a combination of Cardio a good weight lifting routine to add lean muscle and a healthy diet to create a caloric deficit necessary to lose weight. 

Now you dont expect to get a set of great abs while you are guzzling away alcohol and indulging in extra food.The phrase you heard is right ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN! the only way you can see your well ripped abs is when your body fat is low enough which i have mentioned above.If your diet is not correct then hours of cardio also will leve you frustrated during the end of the day.Be smart and make healthy eating a part of your lifestyle.If you think starving will speed up things then you are wrong.Read my article WHY STARVING IS NOT THE ANSWER HERE

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Boys Your Body Building/Weight Training /Nutrition/Myths Busted

Myth I Can Spot-Reduce My Problem Areas
TRUTH: Spot-reduction is not possible unless you go for liposuction. Without such surgery, your body will draw fat from different regions at different rates depending on your genetic makeup.
If spot reduction was possible by training and diet, you'd seldom see women with lower-body fat deposits or men with big guts.
Myth  A Protein Bar Is A Good Substitution For A Meal
TRUTH: Nope. Protein are highly processed, unless you make them yourself. Highly processed food requires fewer calories to digest, so that benefit is diminished. Eat them as treats to be eaten instead of, say, a Snickers bar.
Myth  Muscle Definition Comes From Lifting Light Weight For Many Reps
TRUTH: Leanness and muscle definition come from having muscle mass and low body fat. If you train with light weights only, you just won't build muscle. If you don't have any muscle mass, you won't burn much fat. If you have low body fat coupled with small muscles, you'll have nothing to show off!

Myth Carbs Are Found Only In Bread And Noodles
TRUTH: Wrong. You also find carbs in grains, starches, fruit, vegetables, dairy, nuts, and seeds.
Myth If You Want To Compete, Your Diet Must Consist Only Of Chicken And Broccoli
TRUTH: This is an old school bodybuilding mentality that came about due to lack of knowledge about nutrients and what they do for you. If you eat only 2-3 sources of food, you'll end up nutrient deficient. Plus who wants to eat chicken and broccoli all day?
Myth You Can't Gain Muscle After 40
TRUTH: Age does bring wear and tear, but at 40 you're still a training baby unless you've been a competitive professional athlete since you were a teenager. You can gain muscle despite hormonal deficiencies—it just may be a tad harder.
If you are over 40, you might want to go check your blood and run some saliva tests to rule out deficiencies. If you're deficient in some hormones, you may want to look into replacement therapy so you aren't at risk for heart disease or osteoporosis.
Myth  The More You Sweat, The More Fat You Lose
TRUTH: Sweat has nothing to do with intensity; it's your body's way of getting rid of heat. Fat is oxidized inside your body, and it is not going to vaporize because you're sweating!
Myth Fruit Is A Healthy Snack That Can't Make You Fat
TRUTH: Humans eat food because it gives us nutrients and fuel, but any kind of food, no matter how healthy, can make you gain weight. Fruit has a lot of easily accessible carbs. When you provide your body with easily accessible carbs, you're basically telling it to stop burning body fat for fuel.
Myth Doing Cardio Before Weights Will Help You Get Shredded Faster
TRUTH: If you run on a treadmill before you hit the weights, you'll be too fatigued to train as heavy as you can. You need muscle, not miles to burn fat.

Myth Caffeine Has Only Negative Effects On The Body
TRUTH: The problems with caffeine occur mostly because of overconsumption. But with moderate use, caffeine has many benefits beyond that of energy for athletic performance.
Myth High-Protein Diets Are Bad For Your Kidneys
TRUTH: Protein taxes the kidneys because they have to work harder to process it. Healthy people without a preexisting kidney condition are fine to eat a lot of protein as long as they drink a lot of water too.
Myth Cleanse Products Will Only Enhance Your Results
TRUTH: Medically, there's no reason to do a cleanse. Your body has natural ways of detoxifying. If you eat a healthy diet that includes a lot of vegetables. A cleanse is a waste of money.
Myth All Protein Powder Is The Same, So It Doesn't Matter Which One I Use
TRUTH: There are many different types of protein: soy caesin egg and whey (to name a few). Each of these protein powder types work a little differently, and each kind of protein has a different amount of carbs, fat, Cholestrol, and calories.Protein taste also varies depending on brand and type. Choose a protein that's right for your goals and price point.
Myth The Only Way To Lose Weight Is By Cutting Out All Carbs
TRUTH: The only way to lose the right amount of weight is by adopting a diet than supports your goal, training with weights, and doing some cardio. Your program should include all of these aspects long enough to see a difference. Diet, weights, and cardio—the holy trinity of fitness!
Myth  All Vegetables Are Created The Same, So I Can Swap Any Veggies I Don't Like For Ones That I Love
TRUTH: Vegetables contain different amounts of calories. Some have 12 grams per 100 calories, others have 80 calories. You cannot swap broccoli for turnips without having to recalculate your calories.
Myth if You Want To Get In Shape, You Have To Run For Long Distances
TRUTH: Your fitness success depends upon your goal. If you want to be able to run 10 miles without breaking a sweat, then yes, you'll have to run.
If your goal is fat loss or muscle gain, running for miles and miles may not be the best way to lose pounds. The more efficient your body becomes at running, the fewer calories you'll burn.
Myth Yoga Will Get You Ripped
TRUTH: Unless you're doing hot yoga, yoga doesn't burn many calories because it doesn't require much oxygen. It also doesn't stimulate muscle growth in the same way that weight training does. Most buff and ripped yoga bunnies weight train and practice yoga.Myth Big Muscles Are Strong Muscles
TRUTH: There's a difference between training your muscles to be big and training your muscles to be strong. For physique athletes, size and shape—not strength—is the ultimate goal. For athletes, strength for maximum effort is most important.
I'm not saying that big muscles aren't strong, but put a bodybuilder and an Olympic lifter in front of a loaded barbell and see who can clean the most weight. Either person is capable of being strong or built—it's all a matter of training for a specific goal.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Why Dieting Is NOT The Answer

Lets admit it we all have been on some time atleast 1 time in our lives and then it happens the 2nd time and then 3rd.We are on a protein diet,Eat 1 meal Diet,Ooooo dont eat That fruit diet,Not eating after 8 pm diet.After a diet, most people have regained the weight. Forty percent of them have gained even more.” Most people End up with YO YO DIETING. This is a term described for weight cycling which is the repeated loss and regain of body weight.A weight cycle can range from very small losses from 5 lbs to 10 lbs to large changes from 25 lbs to 50 lbs.Yo Yo Is typically when a person is driven by wanting to lose weight and ends up altering their diet plan or going completely on soups salad and fruit diet.No wonder all the weight is either gained very quickly or none is lost.. Here’s why…
The brain has a set-point for the body’s weight and it’s very difficult to move out of this range (it’s around 10-15 pounds or 5-7kg). If you lose too much weight only by restricting calories, the brain goes into starvation mode, stores up fat and conserves energy. Successful dieting cannot lower your weight set-point. Unfortunately your weight set-point can go up over the years as your brain gets used to a higher norm. People classified as ‘controlled eaters’ (in other words dieters) are more likely to overeat and go on food binges, leading to more weight gain. Children who diet are more likely to end up overweight and develop eating disorders.
-Sit down to regular meals without distractions. -Think about how your body feels when you start to eat and when you stop, and let your hunger decide when you should be done.
-Do not eliminate Major Food groups Heard of Moderation? -Staying active is the only permanent solution for weight loss and weight maintenance.If you make activity a part of your lifestyle you will never fall in the dangers of boredom,mindful eating,bingeing,and body issues.
-Only restricting your calories severely may help you see drop in weight aka on the scale but in the long run you will stop losing that as well as the more you diet the more you are dropping your metabolic rate.Metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns fat
-The best way to make sure you are burning plenty of calories in the long run is engaging in physical activity and eating a well balanced diet not just a soup salad starvation diet
If I regain lost weight, won't losing it again be even harder? 
A person who repeatedly loses and gains weight should not have more trouble trying to reach and maintain a healthy weight than a person attempting to lose weight for the first time. Most studies show that weight cycling does not affect one's metabolic rate-the rate at which the body burns fuel (food) for energy. Based on these findings, weight cycling should not affect the success of future weight-loss efforts. Metabolism does, however, slow down as a person ages. In addition, older people are often less physically active than when they were younger. Regardless of your age, making regular physical activity as well as healthy eating habits a part of your life will aid weight loss and improve health overall.
Will weight cycling leave me with more fat and less muscle than if I had not dieted at all?
Weight cycling has not been proven to increase the amount of fat tissue in people who lose and regain weight. Researchers have found that after a weight cycle, those who return to their original weights have the same amount of fat and lean tissue (muscle) as they did prior to weight cycling. People who exercise during a weight cycle may actually gain muscle.Some people are concerned that weight cycling can put more fat around their abdominal (stomach) area. People who tend to carry excess fat in the stomach area (apple-shaped), instead of in the hips, thighs, and buttocks (pear-shaped), are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes high blood pressure and heart diseases. Studies have not found, however, that after a weight cycle, people have more fat around their stomachs than they did before weight cycling.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Ask The Expert:Qs-Does Sweating Lead To FAT Loss???

Ok so i was not going to write an article this soon but an alarming question by my sister and i knew i was going to do a blog post soon.My sister and me go to the same gym and we workout religiously.So she brought this to my attention that half of her friends have suggested to wear warm gym wear Aka jackets latex Bodysuits in order to sweat more which leads to accelerated fat loss HUHHHHHHHHH??? I was actually quiet baffled upon hearing this because i thought this MYTH hAS LONG DIED... Ok lets start at the beginning Sweating = fat loss?????it is one of the token phrases repeated by new trainees, and one of the most incorrect statements  available on the market today. Workout=fat loses sweating is a by product but if you are layering your self expecting to lose weight with sweat THINK AGAIN?!!!
Sweating is a physiological reaction to heat, working to cool the body down. When your muscles heat up, your body works to cool you down.  It is not connected to fat loss – however you might see a downward shift in your weight from the loss of water. I repeat WATER LOSS NOT FAT LOSS.What is water loss-Dehydration! This can actually be dangerous and lead to severe dehydration.  If you find that you have lost significant weight after your workout, you will want to replace those fluids over the following 30 minutes to an hour, steadily drinking water or a drink with electrolytes (to help replace the salt you have lost during your sweat session). Another fact to consider is that individuals are born with two to four million sweat glands.  This often accounts for why some people sweat more than others.  In addition, men’s sweat glands are more active than women’s.  So if you see the person on the treadmill next to you drenched with sweat – don’t worry – they may not be working harder than you neither are they burning any more fat than you  – they might just have a million more active sweat glands!In fact, your body needs water in order to burn fat. Sweat too much water out and your body will first have to make adjustments for its dehydration by retaining water and fat.

The amount you sweat during your workouts has nothing to do with the amount of fat you are burning. Sweating is just your body's way of cooling itself off when it gets too hot. Theoretically, you could perform an hour of intense circuit training in a walk-in freezer and not sweat a drop. By the same token, you can quite easily break a sweat just walking to the store on a hot July day in Las Vegas. Don't be fooled by "sauna suits" or other "weight loss clothing" either. These products will cause increased sweating, which will lead to temporary water weight loss, but can be counterproductive as exercise intensity and endurance will be compromised. Sweating during your workouts is a good thing, but not a good indicator of your level of exertion.
The only way you will burn more calories is if you have more more muscle mass in your body.PERIOD.END OF DISCUSSION.
If sweating lost weight then  Ah, sitting in a steamy room with no pants...what a wonderful life. Sweating is not an indicator of a good workout.So the next time someone tells you to layer up in order to sweat refer them to this article ;)

Friday, 16 May 2014

Ask The Expert To Juice Or Not To Juice??????????

To juice or not to juice, that is the question.The answer is, as is often the case: it depends.Juicing can be a healthy and beneficial habit for some people, and a waste of time, money and calories for others. Here’s a little info to help you determine whether juicing is right for you.

People who might benefit from juicing:
  • Have a hard time meeting their vegetable requirements each day, but don’t really need to lose weight.
  • People who want to gain weight and cannot eat their fruits and vegetables.
  • Can only get their kids (or themselves) to eat green veggies when they are in a juice or smoothie.
  • Are able to view a glass of juice as a snack, rather than a drink that needs to be accompanied by a snack.
  • Like to make juices with vegetables, not just fruits.
People who probably won’t benefit from juicing:
  • Already eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.
  • Need to lose weight, and have a hard time cutting calories or sticking with a healthy diet Remember Eating fruit fills you up faster as it is a ware house of fiber.Eating one apple and having a glass full of apple juice which would take 5 apples to make.Get the idea?
  • Have a tendency to overeat, especially for reasons other than hunger (stress, boredom, excitement, social pressure, nervousness, etc).
  • Don’t feel satisfied after drinking a smoothie, juice, or other caloric beverage.

The Pros of Juicing
  • You might eat vegetables you’re not willing to eat in their solid form (bitter greens, fennel, beets, etc).
  • You can pack some wonderful nutrients into a tasty beverage.
  • Fresh juice is a healthy and energizing snack, or in some cases, meal replacement.
  • Fresh juice tastes delicious.
The Cons of Juicing
  • It’s expensive. You have to buy a TON of fruits and veggies to make juice. If you’re aiming for better health, you should choose organic F & V, which will up the price even more.
  • Liquid calories are not as satisfying as solid food. A lot of volume goes into a juice, but only a little volume comes out. Our stomachs are programmed to feel fuller when they contain more volume, so juice doesn’t give you much bang for your buck.
  • You may end up eating more overall calories, which will lead to weight gain. If you add juice to your diet, you’ll need to make sure you account for the extra calories by eating fewer calories at other meals or snacks.
  • You lose the fiber. Unless you’re blending whole fruits and vegetables in a blender, you’re losing much of the pulp and fiber when you press juice. This roughage is one of the biggest benefits of fruits and vegetables, and here it’s being left out.
  • You may feel like you’re “cleansing” yourself with a potent vegetable juice, and overcompensate later by eating more less nutritious foods (or drinking extra alcoholic beverages), which negates your previous any good you bestowed on your body.

Before you head out to buy a several-hundred-dollar juicer or blender, give this some thought and decide if juicing is really going to bring you any benefit. If you decide the answer is no, you can always pop into a juice shop or health food store for the occasional fresh juice as a treat.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

MUSCLE MAKEOVER Part 1#8 HOT Moves For Lean Legs

Ok so i have been requested/asked what exercises should be done for the most under trained body part yet the foundation of our bodies...LEGS!!! Yes the L DAY!!!Im not talking about body builders here who religiously spell LEG DAY AS Legendary and never skip working out this body part. This article is for those people who would like to improve their Legs composition Commonly requested as "I want to lose weight on my thighs" "My butt is too fat" "I have fat thighs"....Sounds familiar??? So this article is for all of you who want to put in the effort but don't know where to start and are definitely time crippled.You don't have to be a member of the gym to follow this routine.It could be done in the comfort of your home or in a park.Wear the right shoes and invest in 5-10 pounds weights or ankle weights and follow me as i guide you to this simple yet effective 20 min LEG Routine.May i add that there is nothing like SPOT REDUCTION.To lose weight only on just legs which we refer to as spot reduction is not possible but if you are following a healthy diet,doing a good cardio routine and trying to bring your body fat down then this routine will work wonders.Do not expect result if you are wolfing down hamburgers and are too lazy to move that butt off your ass.Follow this routine 5 times a week for a month and see tremendous change in your leg composition.
Picture Courtesy-POOJA S Photograhy
                                           The 24 min HICT-High Intensity Circuit Training Do not attempt if you have back,knee ankle problems.Ankle weights are best for this routine,you could also invest in a pair of dumbells 5-10 pounds
On the spot jogging for 2 mins.This will give you a great warm up and ignite all your LEG muscles.Tip 1 min go slow the next min go fast

Sumo squat-1 min
This is a great workout for your inner thighs.You can do free weights or use a 1 litre bottle of water.
Training Tip-Keep your back straight and breath in and out

This will kickstart your heart rate with a band.a great move for anterior leg and calves

WALKING LUNGES-4 MINUTE You Could walk across the room holding a bottle of water in each hand or light dumbells
SQUATS 1 min-This is your toning move.Concentrate on your butt as you go down keeping your back straight.One of the most popular exercises everyone swears by.Go slow to feel the burn.Training tip-Keep back straight This exercise also trains big time on your core!!!!
Kick each leg as high as you can alternating between the two legs..This will ensure your heart rate is still high and you are in the fat burning zone
JUMP SQUAT-1 MIN This is the advanced version of the regular squat.Here your starting position you jump and then squat 1 IN 1 SWIFT MOVEMENT.Training tip-dont go very deep on the squat aim higher on the jump
LYING SIDE LEG RAISES-1 MIN EACH LEG This is a wonderful move for getting those lean legs especially women who say they are broad from the butt.TRAINING TIP-You could lean up on the elbow too for a wider range of movement.Go slow and concentrate on the move

Apart from this keep a 4-5 day cardio routine which would include running or brisk walking
Eliminate all the whites from your diet or atleast keep it to 1 serving a day which includes White breads,Sugar,Whole milk,Butter Processed Foods etc
Drink loads of water and aim to keep your heart rate high with this workout routine
any other queries write me