Imagine how fab it would be if we can take any body part like your Abs arms butt thighs and make all the fat disappear by doing 1 magical exercise..How lovely life would be...We could get our dream abs by doing just 200 crunches a day and spot reduce
Unfortunately there isnt That 1 magical workout that can help you fat reduce from 1 spotU can to some extent spot tone and slightly bring down the inches but that involves a lot of other work from eating right to doing cardiovascular activity.So 100s of clients come to me saying Oh i just want to lose weight from abs!!! Errr Ok !! Or several people in the gym religiously do crunches and situps every day! Duhhh!!!
Let me show you how it works
Just doing crunches wont help u lose that fat. Also there AREN'T ANY UPPER ABS AND LOWER ABS!!!.Anatomically speaking there is no upper lower abs..The rectus abdominis is 1 single muscle ...They are called upper and lower abs because they are innervated by different nerves and hence emphasized differently
Also the term TONE is simply that u are going replace that gigggly fat with muscle and how can u do it Simply by weight training.Now by weight training i dont mean do crunches everyday!Weight training is when you are lifting enough weights One or 2 body part per day which benefits your metabolic rate.The more muscle you gain the higher your metabolic rate the more fat you will be burning over all.
You also need consistent fat-burning cardio sessions and intervals, preferably a mix of long slow cardio sessions on an empty stomach and HIT to lose fat around your waist.Like any other muscle in your body your ab is also a muscle.By doing 300 crunches every day u aren't going to benefit..Would you train your bicep or legs everyday?Treat your abs like any other muscle. U CANT SEE THE AB MUSCLE because we have a lot of fat covering it ...if u can see ur ab muscle (6 pack)using weights will get u more ripped...If it is under a layer of fat focus on diet and cardio then ab exercises in the first place Target it 2 times a week max Variate the reps and keep it consistent with Hit and clean eating habits..This way the crunches would help ur ab muscle become strong and u get the tone..The cardio and the clever eating will help you get rid of fat overall.So the secret to the abs is not to train the muscle every day! Do you train chest or Biceps every day No! So why is the ab muscle any different?Training it every day will only over train the muscle.The best way is keep a consistent diet full of protein Fruits Vegetables and Fiber.Lift and do endurance activities 3-4 times a week and Your body will thank you.
QUICK TIP-----Your Abs are working every time you stand and sit straight. Even when you are exercising, your abs are being worked to stabilise your torso in almost all the EXERCISES like squats,Bentovers,etc. So high endurance is something that comes naturally to them, what you need is to strengthen them. For eg., if you are able to perform 50 crunches, then you will surely not be able to do 50 push ups with the same ease, because push ups are a lot tougher. Thus you need to choose such exercises which will work your abshard in few (5-20) reps to develop them.
So untill next time train your abs sensibly Eat right cardio hard and lets see those ab muscles soon