Sunday, 27 July 2014

Holiday Guide Part 1-How To Not Gain Weight On Vacation

Ok Peeps so next week i am out for a vacation to the sun sand and beach and i get many questions on how i am still lean when i get back hehehe!! I love vacations but i am even careful about what i put on that plate and No i don't deprive myself .When you take a trip, does your Diet go on vacation, too? Many people use vacations as an excuse to live it up by eating rich foods they don't normally eat, or eating super size restaurant portions.I admit Vacations should be fun but are you Living just to eat? You can keep a balance between eating good and feeling good and not eat over size portions feeling lethargic

There are reasons why eating in restaurants, as we tend to do most of the time while traveling, is so dangerous for your diet:
  • Restaurants often serve large portions, and we tend to eat more when more food is in front of us.
  • Restaurant menu items are often high in calories, fat, saturated fat,cholesterol, and sodium and low in fiber.
  • At restaurants, you usually have no idea how many calories or grams of saturated fat are in the dishes you order.
  • Clues to Unhealthy Dishes

    Concerned about high cholesterol, diabetes, or losing weight? Read menus carefully.
    Thumbs Down:
    • Fried, au gratin, braised, buttered, creamed, escalloped
    • Hollandaise, cheese, or cream sauce
    • In gravy, pan-fried or -roasted, rich, in butter sauce.
    • Clues to Healthy Nutrition

      Grilled chicken vs. fried chicken. Broiled fish vs. fried fish. When dining out, look for possible code words to healthier food with less saturated fat.
      Thumbs Up:
      • Baked, broiled, grilled
      • Poached, roasted, steamed
      • In its own juice, garden fresh
But it is possible to enjoy your vacation without packing extra pounds for the trip home. The secrets: choose foods wisely, make "moderation" your vacation mantra, and stay as active as possible during your trip.When you arrive at your destination, ask the hotel concierge or local residents what restaurants are nearby and what type of food they offer. Or, check out the local tourist restaurant guide; hotels often have these as do airport information booths.Better yet, investigate your eating options before you go. Email or call the concierge of your hotel and ask for restaurant suggestions. If possible, look these restaurants up online to see what their menu choices are. (Of course, if you've got Internet access via your phone, you can look this up during your trip.)
Here are more tips to help you take your diet on vacation:

Vacation Diet Tip No. 1: Go for Zero-Calorie Beverages

You don't need hundreds and hundreds of calories from beverages on top of the extra calories you'll be consuming from food. The good news is there are usually plenty of no-calorie drink options at most restaurants. Ask for lemon or lime for your glass of ice water or order unsweetened hot or cold tea, coffee, sparkling water, club soda, or diet soda.The bad news is that alcohol can be a diet disaster when you're on vacation. Many of us tend to drink more while on vacation -- perhaps frozen margaritas by day and a few glasses of wine by night. Each alcoholic drink can tack on about 150 to 450 calories.

Vacation Diet Tip No.2: Downsize Your Portions

It doesn't make sense to deprive yourself of enjoyable foods while you're on vacation. Instead,Cut by ordering an appetizer instead of an entree. You could also split an entree with your dining partner

Vacation Diet Tip No. 3: Ask Your Waiter 4 Questions

1. Ask how a dish is prepared and served. Then, you can request that your selection be prepared or served differently, if necessary. For example, meats that are fried can often be ordered grilled instead.Some Fats Are Good for You-Polyunsaturated fats: Help lower cholesterol. Found in fatty fish, vegetable oils, and nuts and sunflower seeds.Monounsaturated fats: Substituted for saturated fats in your diet, they help lower bad LDL cholesterol and don't reduce good HDL cholesterol. Found in canola oil, olive oil, olives, avocados, nuts, and nut butters.Opt for these
2. Ask for sauces, gravies, and dressings to be served on the side so you can use a modest portion.
3. Ask that your entree be served with fresh vegetables (no butter or sauce, please) or a side salad instead of the usual french fries.
4.Request whole grains whenever possible. Some restaurants offer 100% whole-wheat bread and buns, whole-grain blend pasta, tortillas, and steamed brown rice.

Vacation Diet Tip No. 4: Order Fruits and Veggies Every Chance You Get

Look for opportunities to order dishes that include high-nutrient, high-fiber fruits and vegetables Entree salads or side salads made with spinach or romaine lettuce are a fun way to get your vegetables. If you're ordering something like a shrimp or chicken, you can ask the restaurant to add some grilled vegetables.

Vacation Diet Tip No. 5: Be Careful With Dressings

Some types of condiments are super-high in calories and fat, especially creamy sauces and spreads like mayonnaise. Opt for condiments that contribute less than 25 calories per serving, like catsup, marinara, mustard, or BBQ sauce.

Vacation Diet Tip No. 6: Go Fishing in Restaurants

Make it a point to enjoy seafood when you eat out. It's a great way to get your weekly dose of fish and their heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. But there is a catch -- avoid battered and fried fish dishes. Instead, look for grilled (and non-buttered) selections. If the fish dish comes with a sauce, just order it on the side.

Vacation Diet Tip No. 7: Beware of the Table Munchies

If you're famished when you sit down at the restaurant, those table munchies -- like bread, crackers, or chips -- will be looking really good. But these little bites can add hundreds and hundreds of calories, and fill you up before your meal ever arrives. So tell your server you don't want any or order a no-calorie beverage and a salad or healthy appetizer instead.

Vacation Diet Tip No. 8: Have Dessert, but Share

Part of being on vacation is enjoying life, and part of enjoying life is ordering dessert when you really want to. If your meal has left you satisfied, you can take your dessert with you and enjoy it later when you are hungry again. You can also share your dessert with one or more dining partners, either at the table or later on.

Often it's the first few bites that we most enjoy anyway. So aim for satisfying your dessert craving with a handful of bites that you take the time to savor.


Fish Is Good for Your Heart

Fish is a healthy choice when dining out. Ordering seafood such as salmon and tuna adds omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. They are a type of polyunsaturated fat that helps lower your heart disease risk. You’ll also find omega-3s in walnuts and edamame (soybeans).

Avoid Fried Foods and Added Cheese

Eating out often means getting too much saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and calories. How can you spot the dangers? Saturated fats come mostly from meat and whole-fat dairy foods. Tropical oils like palm oil and coconut oil, and butter are also saturated fats. Cholesterol is found in animal fats. Primarily the saturated fat and the cholesterol

Don't Be Afraid to Ask

In restaurants where food is cooked to order, you can make special requests for lighter fare.If you're counting calories -- or keeping an eye on saturated fat, cholesterol, or sodium -- tell your server.
Ask what's in a dish. Find out how it's cooked. A chef can often prepare food using less oil, no butter, or no added salt. If there is sauce, salad dressing, or gravy, get it on the side. Then you can dip -- or skip -- and use less CHOLESTEROL  in the foods you eat increase your cholesterol levels

Thursday, 17 July 2014

8 Fitness Habits That You Need to Start in Your 30s

In your 20s and 30s, your body is very different than it is in your 40s and 50s. In your younger years, it's easier to stay healthy, lose weight, maintain a good shape and pack on the muscles. As you age, it becomes a bit tougher.We take our bodies for granted,Eat wrong Drink Alcohol Skip Physical activity in short abuse our bodies to the fullest and its no wonder that that wrinkle on your cheek will come sooner than you expect,The dark circles,Dry skin and not to forget that denims you fit in will be discarded.Age is never an excuse so If you want to be healthy when you reach your 40s and 50s (and 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond), it's time to start forming a few fitness habits now while you're still young.
1. Drink More Water 

A lack of water leads to aging  retention, aging skin, a slow metabolism and many more problems. If you get in the habit of drinking water while you're still young, you can slow the effects of aging.Its a miracle what can be achieved just by drinking water

2. Regular Strength Training
As you age, you lose both muscle tone and strength. The less muscle you have, the fewer calories you burn every day. If you want to stay in shape, it's time to start regular strength training. Cut back on the cardio, and start hitting those weights or doing more body weight training.

3. Learn the Right Form 

Don't take your strength training for granted. While you don't need to worry too much about injuries while young, an older you is more likely to get hurt if you don't work out with the right form. Learn the proper form now.

4. Switch It Up 
If you're regularly changing up your workouts, you'll develop your body in a much more well-rounded way. Instead of sticking with the same cardio or strength training get used to changing your workouts on a monthly basis.

5. Replace Your running shoes Regularly 
You may be comfortable in that pair of trainers, but they wear out within six months of regular running. Build the habit of switching them up after six to eight months of use, and you'll avoid a lot of stress injuries that can be common among runners.

6. MAKE TIME-No excuses
If you have a time fitting in your workouts now, imagine how much harder it will be when you're older. Start making your workouts a part of your life, no matter how hard it is to find me your body will thank you for it!

7. Do Pilates or Yoga 

You can't just build muscle, you need to improve your balance, posture and flexibility as well. Either Pilates or yoga will be an excellent choice to help you stay fit in every area of your life, so add at least a day or two of these workouts to your weekly plan.

8. Enjoy It
If you can learn to enjoy your workout, it will be much easier to stick with it for years to come. Find ways to spice up the routine, such as listening to good music , doing exercise that you love

So until next time stay fit and keep reading

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Spot Reduction ABS? Separating Fact From Fiction!

Imagine how fab it would be if we can take any body part like your Abs arms butt thighs and make all the fat disappear by doing 1 magical exercise..How lovely life would be...We could get our dream abs  by doing just 200 crunches a day and spot reduce 
Unfortunately there isnt That 1 magical workout that can help you fat reduce from 1 spot
U can to some extent spot tone and slightly bring down the inches but that involves a lot of other work from eating right to doing cardiovascular activity.So 100s of clients come to me saying Oh i just want to lose weight from abs!!! Errr Ok !! Or several people in the gym religiously do crunches and situps every day! Duhhh!!!

Let me show you how it works

Just doing crunches wont help u lose that fat. Also there AREN'T ANY UPPER ABS AND LOWER ABS!!!.Anatomically speaking there is  no upper lower abs..The rectus abdominis is 1 single muscle ...They are called upper and lower abs because they are innervated by different nerves and hence emphasized differently
Also the term TONE is simply that u are going replace that gigggly fat with muscle and how can u do it Simply by weight training.Now by weight training i dont mean do crunches everyday!Weight training is when you are lifting enough weights One or 2 body part per day which benefits your metabolic rate.The more muscle you gain the higher your metabolic rate the more fat you will be burning over all.

You  also need consistent fat-burning cardio sessions and intervals, preferably a mix of long slow cardio sessions on an empty stomach and HIT  to lose fat around your waist.Like any other muscle in your body your ab is also a muscle.By doing 300 crunches every day u aren't going to benefit..Would you train your bicep or legs everyday?Treat your abs like any other muscle. U CANT SEE THE AB MUSCLE because we have a lot of fat covering it ...if u can see ur ab muscle (6 pack)using weights will get u more ripped...If it is under a layer of fat focus on diet and cardio then ab exercises in the first place Target it 2 times a week  max Variate the reps and keep it consistent with Hit and clean eating habits..This way the crunches would help ur ab muscle become strong and u get the tone..The cardio and the clever eating will help you get rid of fat overall.So the secret to the abs is not to train the muscle every day! Do you train chest or Biceps every day No! So why is the ab muscle any different?Training it every day will only over train the muscle.The best way is keep a consistent diet full of protein Fruits Vegetables and Fiber.Lift and do endurance activities 3-4 times a week and Your body will thank you.

QUICK TIP-----Your Abs are working every time you stand and sit straight. Even when you are exercising, your abs are being worked to stabilise your torso in almost all the EXERCISES like squats,Bentovers,etc. So high endurance is something that comes naturally to them, what you need is to strengthen them. For eg., if you are able to perform 50 crunches, then you will surely not be able to do 50 push ups with the same ease, because push ups are a lot tougher. Thus you need to choose such exercises which will work your abshard in few (5-20) reps to develop them.
So untill next time train your abs sensibly Eat right cardio hard and lets see those ab muscles soon 

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Ask The Expert Marathon Running-Beginners Lets Prepare You Your Complete Guide

Running a marathon is an incredible goal for runners, but marathon training and the race itself is not something easy. While I think that any healthy individual who is willing to commit to the training can complete a marathon, I don't recommend that runners jump right into the marathon distance (26.2 miles or 42 K). If you've never trained for any kind of endurance event, you should work on building your running base mileage for at least six months before you start thinking about participating in a marathon.
Once you've established a regular running habit and are running 3-4 days a week, it's a good idea to by racing a shorter distance race, like a 5K (3.1 miles) or a 10K (6.2 miles)Getting some race experience is good preparation for your marathon and will get you excited to start your training.

How to Get Started with Marathon Training

Medical check-up: Even if you've already been running,Get a general checkup with the doctor and let him or her know your plans to train for and run a marathon.

Running shoes, clothes, and gear: While you don't need to buy lots of expensive gear, the right running shoes  is an important investment. Getting running shoes that are suitable for your running style, foot type, and level of experience will help you run comfortably and injury-free. Finding the right sports bra  is also very important for women to stay comfortable while running. Wearing running clothes made of technical fabrics (not cotton) that wick away your sweat and help you keep comfortable.Also a good water bottle is important.

Nutrition and Hydration for Marathon Training and Running
If you already eat a healthy diet, you don't have to make too many changes when you start training for a marathon. The diet recommendation for marathon runners are not that different than nutritional guidelines for non-runners.
Pre-run eating: It's important to make sure that you're properly fueled for your runs to get the most out of them. Try to eat a snack or light meal of about 250-300 calories about 1 1/2 to 2 hours before you start running. Eating immediately before running may lead to cramping, and running on an empty stomach may cause you to run out of energy.
Choose something high in carbohydrates and lower in fat, fiber, and protein. Some examples of good pre-workout fuel include: a bagel with peanut butter; a banana and an energy bar; or a bowl of cold cereal with a cup of milk. Avoid rich, very fatty, or high-fiber foods, as they may cause gastrointestinal distress.

Post-run eating: After running, especially a long run, you want to replenish energy as quickly as possible. Studies have shown that muscles are most receptive to rebuilding glycogen (stored glucose) stores within the first 30 minutes after exercise. If you eat soon after your runs, you can reduce muscle stiffness and soreness.
You'll want to consume primarily carbs, but don't ignore protein. A good rule of thumb for post-run food is a ratio of 1 gram of protein to 3 grams of carbs. Nutrition bars, such as Power bars or Luna bars, are convenient options. Other examples would be a bagel with peanut butter or a smoothie made with fruit and yogurt.

Long run nutrition: Long runs have special nutrition and hydration requirements  so make sure you're prepared heading into your long runs. For example, you'll need to make sure  replace sodium lost through sweat during runs longer than 90 minutes.
You'll also have to consume calories since you'll be burning through your glycogen storage. A basic rule of thumb is that you should be taking in about 100 calories after about an hour of running and then another 100 calories every 40-45 minutes after that. You may need more depending on your size and speed, so make sure you plan to carry extra food or gels. If you're feeling hungry or low on energy, you can definitely eat "off-schedule".
Nutrition and hydration are critical to training for and running long distance races such aS HALF AND FULL MARATHON RUNNERS. A runner's diet is important not only for maintaining good health, but also to promote peak performance. Here are some basics about running nutrition and hydration, including what, when, and how much to eat and drink.

It's important To eat before running to make sure you're properly fueled. A runner's diet is important not for only maintaining good health, but also to promote peak performance. Here are some of the best foods to help runners achieve a healthy diet.

1. Whole Grain Pasta and Bread -Why It's Good for Runners: Runners need plenty of carbohydrates to fuel workouts, and breads and pasta are obvious choices. But, let's face it, not all breads and pasta are created equal. Whole grain foods are less processed and therefore contain more of the natural nutrition found in the grain, including more fiber. So, as compared to white pasta and bread, you'll get more nutrients from whole grains and the increased fibre will help you feel fuller longer 

2. Eggs-Why They're Good for Runners: One egg satisfies about 10 percent of your daily protein needs, and the amino acids in eggs will help with muscle repair and recovery. You'll also get about 30 percent of your recommended amount of vitamin K, which is crucial for bone health.

3. Beans-Why They're Good for Runners: Cooked dry beans like pinto, lentil, garbanzo, and split pea are high in protein and fiber, a plant source of iron and low in fat.

4. Salmon-Why It's Good for Runners: Salmon is an excellent protein source, but it's also one of the best food sources of omega-3 fats, essential for brain development and function. Omega-3s also assist in the prevention of heart disease and high blood pressure. Salmon also has protein, vitamins A, B and D as well as a range of minerals vital to a balanced and healthy diet.

5. Sweet Potatoes-Why They're Good for Runners: Sweet potatoes contain the always-important carbs and are an excellent source vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant. They're also a good source of vitamin C, potassium, iron.

6. Low-Fat Yogurt-Why They're Good for Runners: Sweet potatoes contain the always-important carbs and are an excellent source vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant. They're also a good source of vitamin C, potassium, iron.

7. Bananas-Why They're Good for Runners: A good source of carbs, bananas also contain potassium, which runners lose through sweating and help regulate muscle contraction and prevent cramping. Bananas are also considered a "safe pre run "because they're unlikely to cause gastrointestinal issues.

8. Peanut Butter-Why It's Good for Runners: Peanut butter is tasty and satisfying, which makes it a great food for runners who are trying to lose weight. The protein and fiber in peanut butter helps you feel full and it's not fattening, unless you overeat total calories that day. For example, eating a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter will make you feel fuller than if you ate a plain white bagel. Peanut butter is also a source of protein, needed to build and repair muscles damaged during training.

9-Quinoa-Why It's Good for Runners: For those runners who are bored with pasta, quinoa is a tasty alternative. Quinoa is not only packed with carbs, it's also very rich in protein. A 6-ounce serving of quinoa contains 132 calories, 23 grams of carbohydrate, 4 grams of protein, and 2 grams of unsaturated fat.