Tuesday, 30 September 2014

The New Fitness Rules You Didnt Know!

Hello fitties i keep hearing people talk about old school training and how they apply it to get results.I am a big fan of old school training but there are certain Rules/myths that should Die!!!Research and science have shed light on some old myths and they need to be replaced so here are some new Fitness rules you probably didnt know 

Old Rule 1: Drinking water/Green tea can help you lose weight
New Rule: Many sources tout drinking copious amounts of green to be the all-curing panacea of the Gods.Hell seriously how would green tea help you are consuming more than you need? If you've heard that drinking lots of water improves your skin Yes i agree but how does drinking tons of water with a cheese burger make you lose weight?

Another myth is that drinking lots of water will make you less hungry. Sorry to tell you this -- you may eat less because you're too busy trucking back and forth between the bathroom and dinner table, but that's about it.
Oh, and that whole "recommended eight glasses a day" thing? Also false. You should drink as per your body needs.The best indicator that you are dehydarated is Thirst.Thirst is your body telling you you are dehydarated.Dont get to being thirsty drink water through out the day

Old rule 2: Stretching before working out is crucial to preventing injury

New rule: Stretching after a workout can be beneficial, but stretching before a workout actually doesn't increase your range of motion. In fact, some studies suggest that stretching destabilize muscles, making them less prepared for strenuous exercise, especially if you're doing something like weight-lifting. Instead, do a warm-up, which gets your blood pumping.

Old rule 3: Vegetarian diets are healthier than meat-inclusive ones

New rule 3: Sure, eating lots of veggies is healthy. But in general, cutting out an entire food group -- even if it is one that can be high in saturated fat -- is bad idea. Meat is a key source of iron, which keeps your energy levels up, allows you to think clearly, and produces enzymes that fight infection. Moreover, Iron deficiency increases a woman's risk for postpartum depression.
Vegetarians often try to get their iron fix through lentils, beans, fortified cereals and tofu. However, you're still missing protein. Make sure to eat eggs, dairy products, or soy at every meal to get your animal-friendly dose.

Old rule 4: Lifting weights will make you look bulky

New rule 4: If you've been avoiding the free weights for fear of becoming the Incredible Hulk, no need to flee anymore. When it comes to increasing muscle size, testosterone is key. Men have 20 to 30 times the more testosterone than women, which is why they can bulk up so noticeably. But for you to reach Arnold Schwarzenegger proportions would require you to do far more weight-lifting than the average woman, plus have some sort of hormone imbalance (either genetic or synthetically induced, as with steroids).In fact, "strength training will help you Lose faster and keep it off in the long run," If you also do cardio, it'll help you retain muscle as you drop fat, as well as prevent your metabolism from slowing. So don't focus all your efforts on the elliptical machine -- some bicep curls could actually help you reach your ultimate goal.

Old rule 5: Sports bras are just to prevent painful bounce
New rule: Wrong -- sports bras are to prevent painful bounce and permanent breast sag. That's right -- it's not just old age and gravity that'll weigh your chest down. High-impact activities, like jogging or aerobics, can stress your Cooper's ligaments (the connective tissue that keeps breasts firm), causing your breasts to sag more quick Replace workout bras every six months to a year.

Old rule 6: A hot bath will prevent muscle soreness

New rule 6: Cold water is a better bet"Immersing yourself in chilled water is like an ice pack for your entire body,"
When you exercise, your blood vessels open wider and stay that way for at least an hour afterward. Soreness occurs when waste products like lactic acid settle in your muscles through these dilated vessels. Colder temps constrict vessels, limiting the amount of waste product that accumulates

Old rule7: Running is counterproductive to strength training
New rule 7: Sounds like you need to find a new trainer! "Running is definitely not counterproductive to building muscle, unless you're looking to dramatically increase muscle mass"In fact, as a weight-bearing exercise, running helps develop more lean muscle mass in the lower body -- which also keeps your bones healthy."

That doesn't mean it's a substitute for strength training, though. "Include lower-body strength moves like squats and lunges and upper-body moves like push-ups and pull-ups to reduce injury risk, increase stamina, and boost metabolism,"

Old rule 8: Holding weights while doing cardio increases calorie burn

New rule 8: Yes, but not enough to make it worthwhile. The added intensity of holding weights while doing cardio does bump your calorie burn slightly, but it can also lead to elbow and shoulder injuries. "The risks outweigh the benefits,"You'll expend more energy if you increase the weight you carry, but excessive or uncontrolled movements can damage the joints or cause muscle injury."A better option for blasting extra calories: Increase your speed or resistance level on either the treadmill or the elliptical machine.

Old rule 9: Fresh fruit is better than frozen fruit

New rule 9: Actually, no. "With shipping and storage, fresh fruit can often sit around for as long as two weeks before it hits your supermarket,During that time, it can lose a lot of its nutrients, especially vitamin C."In contrast, frozen fruit is often picked and frozen at the peak of freshness. It's also a better choice for concocting smoothies. But watch out for frozen fruits in syrup -- it packs extra calories.

Old rule 10: Doing crunches and ab workouts will get rid of belly fat

New rule 10: You can do crunches till you pass out, and you still might not get a six-pack. Why? If you have a high percentage of body fat, your abs will be covered with -- you guessed it -- fat. And no, doing ab exercises won't necessarily make you lose that belly fat, either. The truth is, you can't spot-train (otherwise, wouldn't we all be running around with flat stomachs and slim things?). In order to get visibly toned abs, you have to first reduce your overall body fat, which means plenty of cardio, coupled with strength training for faster results. After that, the fruits of your labor should start becoming apparent.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Vegetarians-How Can You Get Your Protein???

It’s easy to get enough protein without eating animals, but the doubters often have another concern: Are these meat-free protein sources complete?
How much protein do we need? The RDA recommends that we take in 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram that we weigh (or about 0.36 grams of protein per pound that we weigh).
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 This recommendation includes a generous safety factor for most people.The term "complete protein" refers to amino acids, the building blocks of protein. There are 20 different amino acids that can form a protein, and 9 that the body can’t produce on its own. These are called essential amino acids —we need to eat them because we can’t make them ourselves. In order to be considered “complete,” a protein must contain all nine of these essential amino acids in roughly equal amounts.Yes, meat and eggs are complete proteins, and beans and nuts aren’t. But humans dont need every amino acid in every bite of food in every meal they eat; we only need a sufficient amount of each amino acid every day  Most dieticians believe that plant-based diets contain such a wide variety of amino acid profiles that vegans can get all of their amino acids with very little effort

  (gm)(gm/100 cal)

Tempeh1 cup319.6
Soybeans, cooked1 cup299.6
Seitan3 ounces2117.5
Lentils, cooked1 cup187.8
Black beans, cooked1 cup156.7
Kidney beans, cooked1 cup156.8
Chickpeas, cooked1 cup155.4
Pinto beans, cooked1 cup156.3
Lima beans, cooked1 cup156.8
Black-eyed peas, cooked1 cup136.7
Veggie burger1 patty1318.6
Veggie baked beans1 cup125.0
Tofu, firm4 ounces1110.6
Tofu, regular4 ounces1010.7
Bagel1 med. (3.5 oz)103.9
Quinoa, cooked1 cup83.7
Peas, cooked1 cup86.6
Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP), cooked1/2 cup815.0
Peanut butter2 Tbsp84.1
Veggie dog1 link813.3
Spaghetti, cooked1 cup83.7
Almonds1/4 cup83.7
Soy milk, commercial, plain1 cup77.0
Whole wheat bread2 slices75.2
Almond butter2 Tbsp73.4
Soy yogurt, plain8 ounces64.0
Bulgur, cooked1 cup63.7
Sunflower seeds1/4 cup63.3
Cashews1/4 cup52.7
Spinach, cooked1 cup513.0
Broccoli, cooked1 cup46.7
Sources: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 24, 2011 and manufacturers’ information.
The recommendation for protein for adult male vegans is around 63 grams per day; for adult female vegans it is around 52 grams per day

It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain some, and often much, protein. Fruits, sugars, fats, and alcohol do not provide much protein, so a diet based only on these foods would have a good chance of being too low in protein. However, not many vegans we know live on only bananas, hard candy, margarine, and beer. Vegans eating varied diets containing vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds rarely have any difficulty getting enough protein as long as their diet contains enough energy (calories) to maintain weight.
What about combining or complementing protein? Doesn’t that make the protein issue much more complex? Let’s look at a little background on the myth of complementing proteins. Protein is made up of amino acids, often described as its building blocks. We actually have a biological requirement for amino acids, not for protein. Humans cannot make nine of the twenty common amino acids, so these amino acids are considered to be essential. In other words, we must get these amino acids from our diets. We need all nine of these amino acids for our body to make protein.

Some people say that eggs, cow’s milk, meat, and fish are high quality protein. This means that they have large amounts of all the essential amino acids. Soybeans, quinoa (a grain), and spinach also are considered high quality protein. Other protein sources of non-animal origin usually have all of the essential amino acids, but the amounts of one or two of these amino acids may be low. For example, grains are lower in lysine (an essential amino acid) and legumes are lower in methionine (another essential amino acid) than those protein sources designated as high quality protein.
We recommend eating a variety of unrefined grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, and vegetables throughout the day, so that if one food is low in a particular essential amino acid, another food will make up this deficit
For more articles stay right here on www.bhumicka.com

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Pro Body Building-Guys 30 mins to bigger arms

When someone asks, "flex a muscle" they do not want to see your calves. It is the biceps that are usually requested.Personal experience - through training numerous clients and myself - has shown me that certain biceps exercises are superior to others. You want bigger, better arms that look good whether you have sleeves on or not.Just like you cannot spot reduce you cannot spot gain .Adding quality muscle to your arms can be a frustrating process. Even if you're hitting the weights consistently, ensuring your nutrition is on point, and taking the right supplements, chances are you're still going to look in the mirror and think the guy staring back at you could use a little more help...All you can do is consume a high calorie diet attack all body parts and I have the workout that will help you get them. Give me 30 minutes, and I'll give you stare-worthy arms.Read onTORCHING YOUR TRICEPS Push down4 SETS OF 12 REPS AND 1 TRIPLE DROP SET 12, 12, 12, TO FailureOne of my biggest pet peeves is walking into the gym and seeing a guy doing triceps push-downs looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame. Nobody is impressed by your super-heavy stack if you put all your body weight on top and do mini elbow pumps.Find a weight you think will enable you to hit the target rep range and set the pin in the stack accordingly. I prefer to use a straight bar . Keep your body straight and your core engaged as you press down; squeeze your triceps at the bottom. Allow the bar to return to chin height. Your forearms should be squeezed tight against your biceps. Allowing the elbows to raise a little will further engage the long head of the triceps, which means you recruit more muscle fibers. Stand up tall, especially when you get tired, so you don't allow yourself to start hunching.

Skullcrushers with dumbbells are highly effective; they allow you to work out the strength imbalances in your arms. I like to infuse my skullcrushers with some pull-over action to make the long head of the triceps the primary mover. Begin with the dumbbells straight up in the air above your face. Lower the weight all the way to the floor behind your head. As you begin to pull back up, straighten your arms until they reach full extension, but keep the angle of your humerus (upper arm bone) 45-60 degrees from the floor. This will keep the tension on your muscles.I combine skullcrushers with triceps chest busters. After 12 reps of skullcrushers, put the dumbbells flat on your chest with your elbows flared out, your thumbs pointed down, and your palms facing away from your face. Push the dumbbells together and keep tension there. From there, push the dumbbells up with your inner chest and triceps. Keep the dumbbells together as you bring them back down to your chest. Do 12 reps.


'm not a big fan of standing biceps curls for a few reasons: one, everybody cheats; two, you're all a bunch of cheaters who use your lower back; and three, you're going to hurt your lower back, cheater.
Spider bench curls into preacher bench curls are a great way to change the angle of tension on the muscle to maximize your work quickly. Both curls should be performed standing and leaning onto the preacher bench, not seated. Be careful not to lock out your elbow on the extension phase because it puts a lot of tension on the tendons and joints instead of your muscles.


For this exercise, I get to go a little heavy and allow some cheating. Pick a weight that's going to be challenging to get all 8 reps. Sit back on the bench and curl both arms at the same time, making sure to rotate your wrists on the way up so your palms face your body at the top. On the descent, keep your palms up and make the tempo a 3-count . Remember, biceps exercises are all about the negative —the lowering portion of curls often stimulates new growth. So, slow down!
If the weight isn't pulling your arms down toward the end of each set, you went too light. On your last set, choose a heavier dumbbell and do some cheat reps that require you to sit up and swing the dumbbells a little bit . Then, hold that negative position for as long as possible. You'll feel like your arm is getting torn apart, but it's a biceps builder, that's for sure.


I prefer using the straight bar attachment for these. Doing the exercise like this completely eliminates any jerking, kipping, or back-flopping action you use when you cheat your 150-pound standing barbell curls.
Keep the reps strict and your back flat against that pad; don't sit up. This is a finisher so leave it all on the table. Two sets should set your biceps on fire.


Straight-bar forearm curls off the edge of the bench will give you a lot of bang for your buck. You can use any straight bar you like. Just sit at the end of the bench and place your forearms flat on the bench so your wrists are at the end and your hands are off the bench. The key to this exercise is allowing the bar to roll down your hand all the way to your fingertips just before it falls off. Squeeze your hand so the bar rolls back up and the flex the wrist all the way up, and then squeeze some more. Use a weight which allows you to hit about 15 reps.As soon as you're done with the forearm curls, stand up and grab the bar from behind your body so it rests on your hamstrings. Do standing wrist curls by allowing the bar to roll all the way down your hand and into your fingertips. Squeeze the bar back into your hands and flex your wrists. Do as many reps as possible until it feels like you wouldn't be able to hold a coffee cup.


We finish off the workout with 3 sets of dumbbell hammer curls into reverse barbell curls. It's a simple paring but don't start throwing stupid weight around. Use something you can handle without cheating and curl with your thumbs going straight up to the ceiling. These should put the finishing touches on those awesome lower biceps and forearm muscles.

After a few weeks of doing this workout, you should see significant improvement in the details and size of your arms. Remember, always ask your girl what she thinks of your improvements. If she says she can't tell, get a new girlfriend and keep training.Feel free to rate this article ..check out more articles on www.bhumicka.com

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Things Your Personal Trainer Wont Tell You But I Will

So many personal trainers in the market,so many things they tell you and so many signs that you need to fire your trainer..Here's a personal recent favorite sign that you have a wrong trainer….your trainer has a bio in the gym saying he has 15 years of “weight training” experience….and he is 25. (seriously true story…..I about fell over when I saw that one personally….wow….or as I said in response “Well I have played with a calculator since I was 5 but you don’t see me saying I’ve been an accountant for 30+ years”You can’t get a good workout done in 30min (too much chatting going on? Or is your trainer just killing time with useless stuff to bill your more?).Your trainer reads fitness magazines as their education (fitness magazines are marketed for people who don’t know how to get real results, if your trainer is one of them….then run away)Your trainer answers their cell phone during your session geee!!! Your trainer does not give you any direction or resources on how you should be eating (where most all the results come from remember?)

Below i have put together some things which your personal trainer wont tell you
1.Get specific about what you want to achieve.
Although you may think your trainer will automatically know what you want, that isn’t the case. Telling your trainer exactly what your goals are is the key to success. A weight-loss plan, for instance, will be different from a plan for someone trying to build muscle. Your trainer will design a routine based on your individual needs and lifestyle, so letting him or her know exactly what you want up front will help you get the most out of the experience.
2. Your Core is Not the Big Problem – It drives me crazy to see trainers in the gym doing all these balancing exercises on wobble boards, bosu balls and other ridiculous pieces of equipment. While you can use them as some secondary piece of equipment to work on something specific, to make it the focus of the workout is useless.Using resistance with weights/cables/bands or doing full compound bodyweight movements is where 99% of people need to stay and focus with. I’ve trained people safely and effectively from all walks of life and ages this way. It is a shame that many trainers are getting suckered into all this additional nonsense because the equipment industry is promoting it as ongoing education (because they want to sell more silly balance things). If you want a strong core, lift something over your head and hold it up there….but looking around the gym it seems people have too big a core anyways and just need to go focus on mastering full body movements and diet.
    3. Don’t Use 90% of the Equipment in the Gym - If a trainer is taking you from machine to machine and spending no time on free weight or compound movements, go find another trainer. The machines are there to entertain the people who don’t know how to exercise without the guidance of a trainer. Machines are a fixed path working on one muscle at a time, not the most ideal way to have a time efficient workout…not too mention how your body does not work in isolation in real life! If you are paying someone to teach you something, it better be with something other than machines IMO.
      4. You should begin to see results within 12 weeks.
      Depending on your workout plan, the three-month mark can be a good indicator of how you’re doing. “In about 90 days, you should be able to notice results—whether it be that your jeans are a little looser, your quality of sleep is better or you just feel good all around,”. Many people lose motivation if they don't see results sooner, but you're changing your physique, so 12 weeks is about how long it will take before your workouts begin building lean muscle.
      5. Communication is the key to success.
      As with any relationship, communication is vital when it comes to a healthy and happy experience. Faltus recommends giving your trainer feedback about how you are or aren’t liking the exercises, what is or isn’t working and anything else that’s on your mind. Most often, your trainer will check in with you before and after the workout. So use the opportunity to talk! “You know your body better than anyone else, so speak up at each session and your experience will be that much more enjoyable and exciting,” 
      6. You’re going to have bad days
      “You’re going to fall off the wagon and have off days at some point,But get right back up and begin again without getting discouraged.” The biggest problem trainers see in their clients is that their emotional confidence starts to dwindle when something goes wrong. So, if you splurge on your eating one weekend, don’t beat yourself up—just give it your all during your Monday workout session.
      7. You have to eat right, too. 
      Personal trainers aren’t miracle workers, so after you leave the gym, make sure you follow the diet plan you’ve established for yourself (or with the help of a dietician).  “Nutrition can be a problem, so writing it down and being able to look at it with my clients is helpful. Not only will you be able to discuss what you’re eating with your trainer, but you’ll also become more aware of your food choices—and rethink that second piece of cake! Let yourself cheat. “Eating balanced meals filled with fruits, vegetables, grains and protein will prove successful in the long run. But remember to give yourself a ‘cheat’ nutrition day on the weekends.”
      8. You’re probably not getting enough sleep.
      “Lack of sleep causes a decrease in energy and motivation to accomplish both short- and long-term goals.” Not only are proper sleeping habits important for you mentally, but if you don’t rest your muscles properly before and after a good workout, you risk injury. adjust your sleep schedule and get both quality sleep and a decent quantity of sleep. You’ll notice the difference in your overall performance, and your muscles will thank you too.” For some tips on how you can destress and unwind before bed to sleep better
      So to leave on a positive note, just remember this:
      • Find a trainer that will explain what you are doing and why, so some day you can do this on your own
      • Find a trainer that makes your workout realistic for your lifestyle, such as 3x/week for 30-40min…not 5x/wk for 1 hour (which not many will keep up)
      • Get out there and learn about how to eat, as that is where most all your results come from! 
      • Until then lots of love stay fit and more articles on www.bhumicka.com