Sunday, 27 October 2013


When it comes to healthy hair, it’s not just what you put on your tresses that counts -- it’s what you put in your body, too.Me being an actor(Bollywood) model(Yesa nd ofcourse the waist length long hair and constant exposure to lights dust blow drying sharing with you some wonderful WHAT TO EAT foods to Keep those tresses shinning thick and glamorous.Here are a few tips 

Just like every other part of your body, the cells and processes that support strong, vibrant hair depend on a balanced diet,t can take longer to notice changes (both good or bad!) in your hair than in your skin. For example, "just one week with a poor diet can yield acne flare-ups or dry, sallow skin within days
"but with hair, it can take a few months for a nutritional deficiency or the effects of a crash diet to show up."
The nutrients you eat today help fortify the hair follicle -- from which each strand is born -- and the scalp that surrounds it. "Healthier follicles? Healthier hair. Healthier scalp? Healthier hair!"

1. Salmon
Besides being rich in protein and vitamin D (both are key to strong hair) the omega-3 fatty acids found in this tasty cold-water fish are the true superstar
Other options: If salmon doesn't thrill you, you can also get essential fatty acids from fish like herring, sardines, trout, and mackerel, as well as avocado, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts (see below for more wonderful things about walnuts.)

2. Walnuts
These are the only type of nut that have a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They're also rich in biotin and vitamin E, which helps protect your cells from DNA damage. Since your hair rarely gets much shielding from the sun, this is especially great

A great source of protein, eggs are loaded with four key minerals: zinc, selenium, sulfur, and iron. Iron is especially important, because it helps cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles, and too little iron (anemia) is a major cause of hair loss, particularly in women

The iron, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C in spinach help keep hair follicles healthy and scalp oils circulating.

Tiny but mighty, these legumes are teeming with protein, iron, zinc, and biotin, says Fishman, making it a great staple for vegetarian, vegans, and meat eaters.

This everyday entree is extraordinary when it comes to protein, as well as hair-healthy zinc, iron, and B vitamins to keep strands strong and plentiful. Because hair is nearly all protein, "foods rich in protein are literally giving you the building blocks for your hair

7-Water water water-helps you flush those toxins

Avoid  Blow Drys Too much color  gels and lotions
Go the natural way very basic shampoo and conditioners
So heres the superfoods that  i eat that make your hair stronger,livelier and ready to flaunt
Untill my next blog Stay sexy and keep those tresses in style

How Hollywood Looks Good On Halloween...FIT TRICKS to look good

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Desert Planners Tourism is an inbound solutions provider for United Arab Emirates which provides services like hotel accommodation, tours, excursions, airport transfers and events. HURRY WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY FOR EXCITING PACKAGES

Halloween around the corner....Time to look sexy and wear those Skimpy dresses and the bare chest vampires and beast
As a Personal Trainer I have to consistently advertise my business. Many prospective clients who answer my ads hit me with one hundred questions on the phone, via e-mail, and in person. One of the most common questions I get, after I tell them what our sessions will consist of, is how can i wear a backless or what can i do to wear a mini n tone my legs etc 
Well my answer is weight training? Usually when I mention weight training I get silence on the phone, a trembling voice, or a horrific and terrifying look.

You may have been told that cardio is the ultimate fat burner, but that effect stops the minute you hop off the treadmill. Build more muscle and you'll keep your body burning fat all day long. According to one study, adding just two sessions per week of heavy lifting can reduce your body fat by three percent without cutting calories

While it is true that you can't spot reduce—your body is born with pre-conceived places it wants to store fat—a University of Alabama study found that the women who lifted weights lost more intra-abdominal fat (deep belly fat) than those who just did cardio. This not only helps you lose your belly pooch and look better in a bikini, but it also lessens your risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and some cancers.

You may burn more calories during your 1-hour cardio class than you would lifting weights for an hour, but a study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that women who did weight training burned an average of 100 more calories during the 24 hours after their training session ended.
So whether u are the bare chest beast or the mini dress vampire look ur best  and show off that bad ass body halloween style ;)
FIT TIP-before u get in that costume do a couple of free squats and pushups

Thursday, 24 October 2013


It's that time of year when extra calories lurk around every corner
Its Celebrations everywhere and what better we do than EAT our heart out with friends and family..There are going to be a lot of high calorie foods on the buffet from fried to the desserts and ofcourse the drinks,..But It is possible to enjoy holiday goodies without putting on a pounds . "Portion control is the key and wise food choices.Often while celebrating we forget to make healthy choices and even forget that at times we are not hungry at all...we are just eating because it is an event or a social gathering and then blame the holiday for our weight gain...
Follow these very simple tips and escape that holiday weight gain

Less is more
You don’t have to forgo chocolate altogether — just be discerning about what you buy. "Don't buy too much, but buy good quality. "Get a little Lindt bunny rather than a bucketful of eggs from the two-dollar shop." Or try choc-dipped strawberries. "You’re combining chocolate with something healthy, so you get the flavour without the energy density."

Go dark
While dark chocolate has a similar number of kJ to milk, it's higher in antioxidants and its richness means a little goes a long way. White chocolate has the most calories.

. Never Arrive Hungry At Parties Or Social Gathering
 Planning ahead can help you maintain discipline in the face of temptation. "Don't go to a party when you're starving,". Try to have a nutritious snack beforehand. If you do arrive hungry, drink some water to fill up before filling your plate.Eating a snack before hand will curb your hunger a bit and you wont go all out on the eating later

-Outsmart the Buffet
When dinner is served buffet-style, use the smallest plate available and don't stack your food; limit your helpings to a single story. "Go for the simplest foods on the buffet, "Fresh fruits and vegetables and shrimp cocktail are good choices. Watch out for sauces and dips."stock up on protein like chicken and fish it helps you feel full faster!!!

-Limit Alcohol
Avoid drinking too much alcohol at holiday parties. "It's not just about calories but about control,". "If you drink a lot you, won't have as much control over what you eat

-Be Choosy About Desserts
The best low-calorie choices are fruit, Jell-O, pudding, an unfrosted mini muffin,Fruit sorbets. If you must have a dessert with frosting, butter cream, cream cheese, or chocolate chips, limit yourself to one small cookie or one thin slice of cake.

Say No Politely
Many times you feel forced to eat foods because people keep putting it in front of you. Learn to say no politely, such as "No thank you, I’ve had enough. Everything was delicious", or "I couldn’t eat another bite. Everything tasted wonderful". You’ll find saying no isn’t so hard to do after all.

6-. Focus on socializing
Don’t stand around the food table when you are at a party – focus your energies on making conversation with others instead of focusing on foods. Conversation is calorie-free.

Walk It Off
Make a new holiday tradition: the family walk. Besides burning some extra calories, this will get everyone away from the food for awhile.
"Get people off the couch and move," "Go out for a walk as a family before or after the meal.or go shopping in the malls" walking not only benefits you physically but also puts you in a mindset to be more careful about what you eat.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


1-Eat: Don't drink on an empty stomach. eat little fat. But the main idea here is to put volume in your stomach, which will dilute the effects of the alcohol. So be sure and eat something.

1-Drink water constantly: You should match every sip of alcoholwith one of water. Water will help keep you from getting too drunk too fast and from feeling the effects the next day
2-Don't mix it up: Make it a beer night, or a wine night, or a vodka night, but don't make it an "anything goes" night
3-Choose the right type of alcohol: Some studies show that some drinks like whisky and wine are more likely to increase the chance of a hangover

1-Drink a sports drink: When you drink you lose electrolytes and become dehydrated, which adds to the headache the next morning. A sports drink at the end of the night can help you replenish what you've lost.
2-Eat: It doesn't have to be McDonald's, but just like eating before you go out, you're playing a volume game. And once again, fat is king. Some guys like a stack of pancakes at a diner, while others scarf down pizza. The common denominator is starchy, fatty and greasy.
3-Take multivitamins: You should take vitamins either way, but when you go out for that big night, it's even more important to make sure that you take your vitamins. Why? Drinking depletes the nutrients in your body; vitamins will help you minimize the loss
4-Give your body time to recover: Not only should you leave yourself a day to recover after a hard night, but you should be thinking about the time you'll need to recover even while you drinking

So have a good night peeps party hard and lay off that hangover